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this story is purely for entertainment. nothing in this story is realistic or accurately portrays these people in anyway.

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council president | 의회 의장

"aren't you nervous, seola? being vice president is a serious job." seola and her best friend, yejun, walked down the electives hall. he offered to walk her to her first day as vice president, so she full heartedly accepted.

seola was the only one in the whole school who signed to compete for the vice president spot in the student council ever since the original vice president quit. due to that, she was guaranteed the spot. everyone told her to back out before it was too late, but she didn't listen. she never did.

seola was the perfect student, straight A's her whole life, perfect attendance, and she always participated in school activities, making her a school favorite.

she never thought she was so perfect, she always knew she had a little flaw to her. what was it? not being able to voice how she feels. she's always been scared of major conflict, so she'd let everyone walk over her without hesitation.

seola giggled and shook her head with a sweetly curved smile on her face, "how could i be nervous? this is wonderful, yejun! being vice president will open many opportunities to me." yejun nodded at her words as they arrived at the student council room.

seola looked at the poster by the door which read; 'school staff and student council's only. please knock for entry permission.'

"be good, okay seola? please, tell me if anyone bothers you." seola nodded and hugged her best friend goodbye, watching as he walked off to his class.

she sighed before fixing her student necklace, it reading 'vice president'. she opened the door to see three people talking together. one of them, a tall boy with a stern yet easy going look, turned to her. "ah, you must be the new vice president! i'm jay, the treasurer. this is subin, secretary, and niki, class president!"

jay's stern looked turned extremely soft once she entered, easing seola's stressed out her head. seola bowed at a 90 degree angle, showing her respects to her newly found team. "thank you for welcoming me warm heartedly!" she cheered.

"you're so cute, seola! how old are you?" subin awed at the girl. seola looked around, noticing how niki was very quiet. she excused him as the quiet type and continued her conversation with subin.

COUNCIL PRESIDENT  | Y.JWWhere stories live. Discover now