Grabbing Soyeon's & Minji's hand, Jimin rushes to the nearest empty table. The three of them sat down facing each other near the casement windows of the restaurant.

"What the hell are you two doing back in Seoul?!" Jimin whispers yells in a hushed tone, giving his twin and her girlfriend a knowing look.

"It's Minji's fault. She's the one who pestered me to bring her here." Soyeon states, accusing Minji without any hesitation.

"Yah! You traitor! How dare you betray me like that! You are sleeping on the couch tonight! Besides, It's not my fault that I missed my family." Minji side eyes Soyeon and lightly slaps her shoulder in a playful way, making the three of them chuckle.

"MINJI!? SOYEON!!?" A deep, loud voice owned by a terrified Taehyung interrupts the trios conversation. Tae cups his mouth with one hand and points at the two women seated near the casement windows with the other.

"OMG!! Jimin!! It's Soyeon and Minji!! What the hell!? Where were you two?! How dare you vanish without any trace for months!!? Do you even know how worried we were??! And oh! Don't even get me started on that Jeon Jungkook!!" Tae bombarded the two with many complaints in one breath, still surprised to see the two familiar faces.

Tae was noting down the orders from customers when he noticed Jimin and two familiar figures from the corner of his eyes. He lets his curiosity get the best of him and makes his way toward the trio to confirm his suspicion. To his immense surprise, it was indeed who he thought they were Park Minji & Soo Soyeon seated with his best friend.

Rolling his eyes at his soulmates' behaviour, Jimin pulls Taehyung down from his hand. He makes him sit next to him and whispers only for the four of them to hear.

"Clam down, Tae! I know they are Soyeon and Minji. I can see them. I'm not blind like someone we know." Jimin huffs, lips stretching into a slight smile and hand unconsciously travelling to carese the moon necklace as the image of the doe-eyed "someone" came to his mind.

"Now, you two love birds tell me what the hell are you doing back in Seoul?! Did something happen at Soyeon's grandparents' place?" Jimin inquires, resting hands on the table and looking at Minji & Soyeon with concerned eyes.

"Jimin! How the heck are you not shocked and angry at these two idiots for disappearing like that? And grandparents' place? How do you know that? Am I missing something?" Tae asks, face filled with confusion.

Jimin lets out a sigh before starting to speak, "There is something I didn't tell you before, Tae. I actually met Soyeon and Minji the day they ran away, and I knew where they were this whole time." Jimin confesses, leaving Tae dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry, WHAT?!" With eye brows rose, mouth agape and eyes widen open, Tae stares at his soulmate as if he saw a ghost. Chuckling at his best friend's reaction, Jimin starts explaining what happened on the day Minji ran away, the day he was told he was getting married to Jeon Jungkook.


The cold night breeze kissed Jimin's face as he was silently making his way back from Tae's house to his house. Jimin was near his house when his sharp eyes caught the silhouettes of two figures and the sound of their footsteps coming closer to him.

Jimin always loved night strolls, especially from Tae's house to his, because at nighttime, no one would be outside. It was always just him, the cold breeze and the peaceful night sky, but tonight it was different.

With high alert and hands clenched into fists ready to fight the unknown two heading toward him, Jimin walked forward but halted once again when he finally recognised the two figures.

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