Teenage Nightmares

Start from the beginning

Next to the TV? Wait... Did she come out of the game?! How?! Why?! 

Six: Why are you looking at me like that? 

Y/n: Huh? 

Six: You look... scared. 

Y/n: O-Oh! I mean... Its just... Uh... I'm a little skeptical of a random person in my house. That's all. No offence. 

Six: None taken. I'm sorry I scared you. 

Y/n: Right... 

Six: I know this is asking a lot, but... Can I stay for a little longer? I'm not sure what the rest of this place is like. And you seem like a nice enough person. Probably the nicest I've met. 

Y/n: I guess you've not met a lot of nice people then. 

Six: That's... Putting it one way. 

She seemed innocent and sweet enough, but memories of the end of the game constantly reminded me that she wasn't like that. She had devoured a seemingly innocent gnome when it just wanted to help, and she went on to devour The Lady and then sapped the life out of a bunch of fat asses. Sure, The Lady and those tubbies were trying to kill her first, but why would she eat the gnome when it offered her a sausage? 

But at the same time, I couldn't just straight up tell her how I knew her. I mean, who knows how she'd react? "Hey Six! How do I know your name? Oh! Well that's simple! I played a game called Little Nightmares where I played as you and survived in The Maw. I also watched as you ate a tiny gnome and a woman, but its fine!" Yeahhhhhh. I don't imagine she'd take that well. 

Y/n: Sure, I guess. You look like you could do with a clean-up too. 

Six: Thank you. 

I nodded, preparing myself for the time I would share with her. 

To my surprise, the time I spent wasn't actually all that bad. I was able to clean her up, give her new clothes and we spent just about all our time together. Except for when I went to school. There was no way I could sneak her in or anything. But she seemed to make herself at home nicely. Throughout the time she spent, she didn't try to attack me or made any aggressive moves which I was thankful for. And we got a lot closer together. Which just made me feel guilty. I wasn't sure if I should tell her about how I know her or that I know what she's really like. But at the same time, I don't want to risk or lose the friendship that I have with her. If only things were so simple... 

Around a month or two has passed since Six came into this world and we became quick friends. She slept in her own room and her own bed, I was able to cook for both of us (thankfully she wasn't a picky eater, but I kinda knew that from the game) and overall, it was just a peaceful experience. I had even taught her how to play video games!

Obviously I didn't show her Little Nightmares, afraid that she might kill me for knowing the truth about her. So we just stuck with Black Ops, Resident Evil, and other games like that. She enjoyed them so much, she asked if there were more games like those. Let's just say that I've had to buy more than a few new games. 

Currently, I was lying in my bed, scrolling through social media. My feed was just showing a bunch of memes with the occasional politics video or two. 

Eventually, I had enough and turned off my phone. I covered myself up with the blanket and and shut my eyes. I was about to fall asleep, but I felt a tug on the blanket, making me open them once more. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Six in her sleepwear which consisted of a blank white t-shirt and black shorts. Without the raincoat on, I could see her raven black hair and crimson eye. 

I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel... something for her. She was an attractive young girl and I was in my teenage years. Hormones were crazy. 

Anyway! Moving on from that, I saw she seemed scared. 

Six: I had a nightmare. 

Y/n: Again? They've been getting a lot more common, haven't they? 

She nodded silently. A low sigh left my lips and I shuffled a little to the side and unveiled the blanket. 

Y/n: Cmon. You can sleep with me if it makes you feel better. 

Six: Thank you. 

She accepted the invitation and cuddled up in the blanket next to me. I shut my eyes and was once again, about to fall asleep, but then what Six said made my core freeze. 

Six: I played Little Nightmares...

My eyes widened and I felt my heart beat pound in my chest, scared about her reaction. I never showed her the game! So how the hell did she find out?! Gulping shakily, I responded. 

Y/n: Y-You played it? 

Six: I did... I knew you were scared of me for a reason. And now I know... Why didn't you say anything? 

Y/n: I... I didn't... I didn't know how you'd react to it. Or rather I was scared you wouldn't take it so well. But... I guess above all, I just... didn't want to lose you as a friend. 

Six: Did... I ever tell you what my nightmares were about? 

Y/n: No. 

Six: They were about you. My whole life I've only ever looked out for myself. Because everyone else around me were all monsters. But then I met you and... I couldn't bear to lose you. All my nightmares... They were about you being killed or taken by those things on The Maw... And I couldn't stop it. I would never do anything to hurt you Y/n. 

She held me in a hug, leaning her head on my chest. Her tone was sincere and hurt at the same time, making me feel like an ass for thinking she'd kill me if I told her the truth. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her in a warm embrace. 

Y/n: I'm sorry I never told you the truth Six. 

Six: Its okay. I understand and I forgive you. That's what friends do when we make mistakes, right? We help each other move on. 

I smiled and nodded. 

Y/n: Yeah. Of course. 

She smiled and nuzzled her head deeper into my chest, getting comfortable. I got a little more comfortable too before falling asleep. 

But the worst part about sleeping as a teenager? 

The "Teenage Nightmares"

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