chapter four

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⚠️ MENTIONS OF R@PE  (no details)⚠️


Sunday : party day


"why are you always slooow~" Jisung whined at Hyunjin, already being ready for the party

Jisung was wearing a black and white, horizontally striped over shirt with a plain white shirt under, dark colored pants and black boots

Hyunjin finally came out spinning around awaiting compliments from the younger male, he had on matching denim shirt with jean pants

Finally they made it to the house where the party was held, already being able to hear the music playing, and seeing people arriving. Jisung got out nervously, hoping he'd soon run into someone he recognized.

They walked in side by side before they finally met with Felix and Changbin, they seemed to be with an unfamiliar face.

The unknown male seemed young, he had a bright smile with dimples and dark brown hair that was just above his eyes of the same color.

"hi!" he greeted jisung and hyunjin warmly with a small bow "Yang Jeongin -" he stated his name

"hi, I'm Han Jisung"

"Hwang Hyunjin!"

they introduced themselves, smiling as they returned a bow to jeongin

"I graduated highschool a year early, but I knew Felix since my freshman year there!" jeongin added in, making small talk

"seems like Felix knew pretty much everyone?" Jisung joked with a small laugh as Felix shrugged

"I mean, yeah, I talked to everyone and anyone in school." Felix laughed softly, moving with the small group to the drink table, grabbing a cup before he looked to changbin

"c'mon baby, let's go show others how to have fun!" pulling Changbin to the front room where everyone was dancing and talking, leaving Hyunjin, Jeongin and Jisung together

Jisung took a sip of his drink before making a a face from the taste of alcohol. He heard a laugh before his eyes met with Minho's

"you made it! happy you're all here~" he pulled the three boys into a small hug before looking to Jisung

"not a drinker?" minho asked, obviously teasing the younger male,

Jisung shrugged, "not often, are you trying to get everyone black out drunk?" he smiled, letting the male know he was kidding

"hey, I didn't mix the drinks up, that was all Chan." Lee Know pointed to chan, who was dancing in the other room

- - - -

As the party went on, Minho noticed Jisung had loosened up a bit, he was on the couch talking to a male that Minho didn't know much but they seemed to be having a good time. Minho watched Jisung, thinking to himself about how beautiful the male actually was, everything about him was the most perfection Minho has seen in any human. He didn't wanna interrupt the two males on the couch and also figured it would be weird if he continued to stare at them.

As the party was coming to an end, Chan and Mini were making sure people would get to their home or dorms safely. Minho noticed he didn't see some familiar faces leave yet, including Jisung, and the male from earlier.

"I think we should check other rooms, because Felix didn't leave, neither did a few others- I don't mind them staying, we just should probably make sure they're okay-" Chan suggested, seeing the slight confusion on Minho's face before he nodded in agreement

The two males headed into other more common rooms of the house before checking the four bedrooms, Chan opened his bedroom finding no one before closing the door, checking a separate room to find three of the boys, Felix, Changbin and Hyunjin passed out peacefully, raising an eyebrow, having many questions, as Minho found Jeongin and Seungmin in another room asleep, Chan was going to his room to sleep before he heard a loud

"what the fuck are you doing!?"

Chan knew it was Minho and ran to the room he was checking, the male Jisung was talking to earlier was in the room, and a passed out Jisung on the bed

"is- is he alive-?" Chan asked nervously

"yes, but get him the fuck out." Minho growled

Chan was confused, but seeing his friend this mad, he knew something was wrong before his thoughts got interrupted by the unknown male

"why are you freaking out dude- calm down, it was a party people are gonna get fucked up and fuck around.." he rolled his eyes

Minho glared at him,

"yeah, with consent! He is passed out...and he only drank a little bit, I knew something was weird."

the male shrugged

"he's fine. I just gave him something to help him loosen up a lil-" Minho cut him off

"so you drugged him. he passed out up here, and that's consent to you?"

"nothing even happened, you're acting crazy."

"I don't care, you know if i didn't come up here it would have, you had your pants undone- just get the fuck out."

Minho said, infuriated as he was pushing the male out the bedroom door and into Chan, causing Chan to grab ahold of the male

"and also, never come near me, or anyone I am friends with again, if you do I'll ki-"

Chan stopped the conversation "okay let's stop while we are ahead, cmon -" taking the male out of the room just as the male mumbled at Minho "faggot."

Chan took the male to the door, watching him leave the property before sighing to himself, he checked on Minho before he went to his room and fell asleep

Minho laid a blanket over Jisung, laying on the other side of the bed, since it was his room anyways. He looked at Jisung before he rolled over to face the other way to respect the male and not make it seem weird when he woke up later before he himself had faded off into a deep sleep.

-  -  -  -

hihi, sorry this update took so long I have been busy with work and life, I don't know if anyone is reading this story either so I have no motivation at alllll- I'll update again soon, I promise! sorry if this story sucks idk my brain is mush...but thanks if you read it , mwah 😘

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