Chapter 7 Part 2: Katherine

Start from the beginning

Our mum died saving me and my brother's lives and for the longest time, I felt guilty that she did that.
I can't speak for my brother but I imagine that he did as well.
It took a while for our dad to get use to this fact that she wasn't around anymore.
He loved her so damn much, he still does.
She was the best mother I or anyone could have ever asked for and I'll never forget her.

Priscilla wiped away some tears and she linked her arm with Tom's and she leaned her head on his shoulder.

Priscilla: what was her name ?

Tom: Katherine.

Priscilla: that's a pretty name.

Tom: yeah.

Priscilla: she'd be so proud of you Tommy, she really would, both you and your dad.

Tom gently leaned his head on her head and he started to realise that Priscilla was truly someone that he more than cares for and adores.
He genuinely appreciated that she was here with him and he wanted her to know that but for now his main concern was his brother and if he was going to be okay.
He knew that Priscilla was just helping to reassure him that Josh was going to be okay but seeing him would be what would at least put his mind at ease and let him know for sure that he would recover.

Then, Tom and Priscilla spotted Taylor coming over to them and they greeted her.

Priscilla and Tom both stood up and hugged Taylor and they all sat down.

Tom: how are you feeling Taylor ?

Taylor: I'm good thanks, but what about you ? He's your brother after all.

Tom: I'm good too, thanks to Priscilla.

Taylor smiled and they started talking and at one point, Tom got up and headed to the coffee machine and while he was at the coffee machine, Priscilla began to talk to Taylor about Tom.

Taylor: how are you ?

Priscilla: I'm okay, I'm just being here Tommy.

Taylor: you really love him don't you ?

Priscilla nodded.

Priscilla: yeah, i was going to tell him but then you called me and told me that Josh was in an accident, I'll tell him but this is more important right now, I'm just going to be here for him and make sure he's okay.

Taylor: he's crazy about you too.

Priscilla: you think ?

Taylor: yeah, i think so.

Priscilla: well until he's not as worried about Josh, I'm not saying anything.

Taylor: but what if he says something to you ?

Priscilla thought about it for a moment and then replied.

Priscilla: I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

Tom then came back with three coffees, one for himself and one each for Priscilla and Taylor.

Priscilla: thanks Tommy.

Taylor: thanks Tom.

About four hours later, and they were still in the waiting area, and Taylor was seen talking to a doctor and Tom and Priscilla both saw this.

Tom: I hope can go and see him soon, I'm still worried about him.

Priscilla: I know you are Tommy, he's your brother after all, and after what you told me about your mom, it's only natural that you'd worry about him.

Tom: I've called my dad, he'll be here soon.

Priscilla: okay.

Tom and Priscilla saw that Taylor was now coming back over to them.

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