Chapter 7

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Readers POV

It's been a few days since I last heard anything from Loreen but I decided to give her some space after our little hookup. I knew there was more but I also understood her point of view.

Today I had a very stressful work day but me and my coworker decided to still get some lunch at a small diner. I was lost in thoughts as I sat there with him and kind of poked into my food more than eating it, making him frown as he decided to finally ask me what's happening.

„Hey...I don't know what you're going through but it's not your foods fault." He told me and I looked up at him, feeling a little busted. I really did these things unintentionally so I just put the fork with my noodles into my mouth and finally ate instead of playing with it, swallowing before I answered.

„It's nothing...I am just tired." I answer him and I noticed he didn't believe me but I also didn't want to bother my coworker with my private problems. Yes she didn't leave my head. That beautiful smile, those deep brown eyes, her soft lips and her gorgeous voice. I did fall in love with Loreen and I couldn't lie to myself about it anymore.

As if fate was playing with me I saw Loreen entering with John-John as well and my coworker noticed my sudden obvious gaze as he turned his head and then count everything together before looking at me with a smirk. „Ah...that woman did something to your heart??" He said and I just wished he would shut up at this point. There is no fucking time for that conversation now.

„Could you be any more loud? Maybe...but I don't want to talk about here now." I add and he just chuckled before continuing to eat and I was happy he did shut up about it.

They sat a bit further away from us. John-John was sitting with his back towards me so he didn't see me but not long after Loreen noticed I was here too and even tho I wasn't looking at her I felt her gaze on me. I didn't know what to do or what to say, not getting towards them wouldn't be right as well, I can't ignore them now only cause of her not being ready for a relationship at the moment.

„Talk to her." I heard my coworker say and my gaze moved to her again, she was talking with the waiter so she didn't notice I was looking before I turned to him again, shrugging my shoulders. „And then? We need to continue working in about 15minutes." I tried to get out of this situation but he just looked at me with a raisded eyebrow.

„15minutes are 15minutes. Go before I do something embarrassing." I do love how supportive he was, he was a real good coworker I enjoyed working with but at the same time I hated it.

„Hey (Y/N)!" I suddenly heard a familiar voice. John-John noticed me and waved at me. I saw Loreen giving him a little uncomfortable look but I knew I needed to get up now and at least say hello, my coworker smiling at me like a little child being excited.

I ignored him and got up from my seat to walk over to them. My heart was beating fast out of how nervous I was but I didn't show it on the outside, planting myself next to them as I sat on the third chair that was there before smiling brightly. „Hey you two! How are you? What a coincidence we met here." I said casually.

„Yes it is. I just wanted to spend a little time with my son in here." She answered and John-John just smiled at us both, making me nod in response.

„Ah don't worry I won't be here for long I need to continue working in a fee minutes." I add and I could see John-John frowning in disappointment. „Oh really? I missed you tho. You're always so chill." The boy told me and chuckled but I noticed him kicking Loreen's leg under the table, making her look at me with her usual soft gaze before she opened her mouth to say something.

„I missed you too (Y/N) have you been these days?" She told me and I hold back my frown and look happy as always even tho I felt she got forced my John-John saying that.

„I've been good thank you. How have you two been?" I said casually and even tho she was smiling I noticed her eyes were sad.

„We have been good. Thank you." She told me and chewed on the inside of her cheek as her gaze didn't leave me. She looked behind me and I clearly noticed it before I turned to see Patrik staying in front of the diner, the windows were big so I could clearly see it was him and this made me place my hand on her thigh automatically before I spoke to her, this time with a serious gaze.

„Are you in trouble? honest with me." I told her and she looked like she was about to cry but she managed to keep herself together.

„I am fine...please don't worry..."

I knew she was not.

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