2~ Around Town

Começar do início

"I got you both some clothes to wear" you smiled.

Gus rushes up to you and looked at the clothes.

You felt a bit nervous if they didn't like it.

Gus smiled and said "they look great! I'll take the black ad blue jacket with the shorts on top!"

You gave Gus his clothes then gave hunter some shorts and a golden shirt.

Hunter takes the clothing.

Then a little red bird came out of Hunter's sleeping bag, then pulled on the little noodle (Hunter's hair)

The bird chirpped a few times

"Alright alright! Thank you for the clothing!" Hunter said as the bird let's go of the little noodle.

You bowed slightly and said, "no problem"

Then y/n walked upstairs back to the bedroom.

"She is really nice! What you think?" Gus said

Hunter looked at Gus and said, "y/n? oh she seems.. nice I guess"

She is really nice, hmm maybe I should get to know her better
Hunter thought to himself.

Y/n was back at the bedroom and saw Luz with a red hat and a red and white shirt.

Amity with a black/dark purple hairband and some shorts with short sleeve shirt.

Willow had a green plant shirt and some jeans.

You looked in your closet and put on a white shirt and some shorts with black and white pants underneath the shorts.

"You all look good!" Willow said.

Y/n smiled and said, "you as well!"

The 4 went downstairs to the living room.

Gus and Hunter came out of the basement.

"Wait, your ear!" Luz realized.

The 4 gasped as they remembered.

Amity and Willow cover there ears with there hair.

Luz and y/n gave a hat to Hunter and gus.

Gus and Hunter took a beanie and put it on.

As they walked to the car, Luz said, " is anyone gonna call 'shot gun' first?"

Willow said "shot gun?"

Y/n said "looks like Willow gets to sit in the front with mama"

"Lucky" gus had a fake pout on his face.

Camelia got in the driver's seat.
Willow sat down next to her.
Gus sat down next to the window.
Luz sat next to gus and Amity.
And Hunter sat down next to the other window.

Making you have no room to sit down.

"Oh, don't worry! Amity can sit on my lap" Luz smiled.

Amity started to blush as Luz said that.

Luz picked up Amity and put her on Luz's lap.

You sat down on Amity's seat, next to Luz and Hunter.

Most of the car ride was silent but Gus would sometimes say what he thinks he saw outside.

Once they were close to a parking lot, they was a little pot hole making..

Amity get pushed down into Luz a bit
Gus almost hitting the window
Y/n getting bumped into Hunter, making her lean on his shoulder

My Only L♡ve || Hunter the owl houseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora