Part 3!!!

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It was later and we where all sitting around the fire it had been rlly cold but Nelson way still sitting their shirtless in his swim trunks. "Nelson?" I ask looking at him "yeah el?" He asks. "Did the girls leave yet?" I ask. "Uh I don't think so" he says. "Oh" I say looking down at the floor. I started to hear laughing from behind. I turn to see both girls Maddison and Addie. They were laughing and joking with each other. I used to be close with Maddison like that... "el it's ok. You have better friends now. You have all of us" Nelson says. "No Nels. I don't have them they don't know Me" I say looking at all the guys. "But you have me. And I know you." Nelson says. "Nelson." I say. "El" he says. I js layed my head on his shoulder with out saying anything. I felt his bear skin on his shoulder against my cheek. I take notice in everyone looking at us. But then going back to their own conversations. "I needed u" I say. "I needed someone in my life, to make me feel safe" I added on. "I needed you to" he says. There was a small silence between us. Nelson wrapped his gentle arms around me talking my head onto his chest. "Your warm" he says. "What?" I ask laughing. "Like your body heat. It's warm and it feels nice bc I'm rlly cold rn" he says making me laugh. "Oh" I say.

"You two are so cute" can say. We both ignore him. I gently wrapped my arms around him to. Gently smiling. We sat together in silence for while till Nelson started talking to the guys. And I started to fall asleep. Then I hard a grown woman's voice. "Oh nelson who Is this gorgeous young lady?" She asks. My eyes slowly open. "Oh mom this is Liz, she's cams girlfriends sister and my new bsf" he says. "Oh wow she's so pretty" his mom says. She takes notice in my awakening. "Hi I'm mrs. Neumann" she tells me. "It's nice to meet u I'm liz" I say. "Nelson do u want me to take you home now? or can cam drop u off" asks mrs Neumann. "Um cam can take me home" he says. "Oh ok. Bye Nelly love u" his mom says before walking away. "Loves you too mama" he says. "She's so nice" I say. "Yeah" Nelson says. We stayed thier sat together for while. It was maybe like 30 minutes later when Nelson got a call from someone. He answered the call. "Hey noah" he says to the guy who was on the ft. "Nelson mama told me u got a girl"
Noah says "I js meet her today and where already pretty good friends" Nelson says. I was still sitting with him. "Is that her right there" noah asks taking notice on the brunette hair by the corner of the call. "Yea" Nelson says moving the camera so I am visible. "No way shes so pretty" a kid who looks younger says coming in the camera. "Damn mom told Niles to?" Nelson says. "Yea she told us that she was beautiful and kind" Nile's says. "Aw tell her I say thank u, and that she is beautiful and kind to" I say.

"Ok I will" niles says before running out the room. "We'll I'll leave you two, to like kiss n stuff" noah says. "Noah where just friends." Nelson says. "Yea and we only meet today" I say. "Mhm" noah says before hanging up. "Sorry abt them" Nelson says. "It's ok" I say letting out a small laugh.

Everyone else went into the water
Oh sh1t their coming over. I think looking at the girls who where walking twards us. "It's ok el" Nelson tells me. I think he felt my core tense up seeing them. "Nelson can I maybe get ur number" asks Addie. "No" Nelson says. "Pls ur so fine" she says. "Sorry but it's not abt looks it's about personality" Nelson says. "Then that makes sense why your here with tha fat rat Godzilla looking bitch." Says Maddison. "What tf ru talking abt" Nelson says. "She hates herself so much she stopped her acting carrier" Addie says. "What?" Nelson says. "She used to be an actress. But she decided she was done after the black phone came out." Says Maddison. "It's non of your guyses business anyways" Nelson says. "So abt that number" Addie says. "No. Tf" Nelson say. Both girls walked away. "Ugh" I say holding back tears. The one thing that gets me is ppl commenting on my looks or on my acting "it's ok." Nelson says. "I'm gonna be honest I'm trying so hard not to cry rn." I say. "It's ok you can cry I won't judge you." He says. "It's not you it's them" I say. "They can't see me cry that's basically giving up" I add on. "It's ok they won't" Nelson says. "But they will they are gonna watch us like hawks the rest the night" I say. Choked up on holding back tears. "My mom can pick us up if u wanna go home" Nelson says. "It's ok bc she already drove out here" I say before hugging my knees into my chest. "She won't mind" Nelson says. "Ru sure?" I ask "yea we can call her rn" he says. So he did he FaceTimed his mom. "Oh hi Nelly everything alr?" She asks. "Uh kinda, but do you think you can pick me and Liz up" nelson asks. "Yea ofc. Is Liz alr?" Asks his moms. "I'll explain in the car mama" nelson says. "Ok I'll be their in like 20 minutes Nelly and keep my baby safe" she says. "Huh?" Nelson asks. "Keep my baby Liz safe. She so sweet." His mom says. "Aw thank u mama nuemann" I say "ofc honey I'll be right there" she says.

So we waited for his mom to get their and when she did we got into the car. "Ok so what happened lizzy?" His mom asks. "Well my best friend Maddison was mad that I hung out with Nelson today and said it was just to get famous." I say. "Oh I'm so sorry honey" his mom says. "And so she went to the beach with the girl that she hates Addie. She hates Addie for no reason but Addie hates me for no reason." I explain. "Oh how could anyone hate you." Mrs nuemann says. "So Nelson wanted to go to the beach they where at and js have fun. Not worry abt them and have fun" I say. "Yea" nelson says. "So we went and they came up to me and nelson in the water and said mean thing." I say. "And then later when we were sitting by the bon fire. Everyone else went swimming and it was just me and nelson. And the girls came up again. And they asked nelsom for his number. And then started saying he was fine and stuff. And he said that he doesn't care abt looks and it's abt personality. And then they started saying I was ugly and fat and I looked like godzilla. And they" I felt tears roll down my cheeks I froze. "Oh honey it's ok" mrs nuemann says rehashing her hand into the back seat to hold mine. I reached out and took hers. "It's ok honey. Your gorgeous" mrs Neumann says. "Want me to finish the story" Nelson asks. I nod my head slightly and curl up into his arms. "Sorry she didn't want to cry infrount of them mama" Nelson says. "Its ok" his mom says. "Ok so then they brought up something that rlly hurts Liz to bring up. Her old acting career. She was in many films and shows but quite after the black phone" says Nelson. "Wow honey that movie was amazing" says mama nuemann. "Thanks. But my career isn't over yet. I still have some more of a show to film. I can't quit it." I say. "Oh wow" mrs nuemann says"

"I'm Nelson, Nelson nuemann"حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن