{ blabber mouth }

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okay, this one is honestly for shits and giggles.

{ scenario 1 }
you can't keep a secret. it's not that you do it on purpose, it's just something you can't do. you try to, but you just can't. because of this, the team hasn't really told you any secrets because they don't want them revealed. the team trusts you with their lives, but when it comes to a secret, they'd rather die. one day, you find something out about { character name } and you know it'd mean having to keep this secret. when { character name } finds out you know, they beg you not to tell the team. it's nothing bad, just something really silly that they don't want ANYONE knowing
{ scenario 2 }
crush can't keep a secret.  it's not that they do it on purpose, it's just something they can't do. they try to, but they just can't. because of this, the team hasn't really told them any secrets because they don't want them revealed. the team trusts them with their lives, but when it comes to a secret, they'd rather die. one day, crush found something out about { character name } and they knew it'd mean having to keep this secret. when { character name } finds out they know, they beg crush not to tell the team. it's nothing bad, just something really silly that they don't want ANYONE knowing
{ scenario 3 }
{ character name } can't keep a secret. it's not that they do it on purpose, it's just something they can't do. they try to, but they just can't. because of this, the team hasn't really told them any secrets because they don't want them revealed. the team trusts them with their lives, but when it comes to a secret, they'd rather die. one day, they found something out about { character name } and they knew it'd mean having to keep this secret. when { other character name } finds out they know, they beg them not to tell the team. it's nothing bad, just something really silly that they don't want ANYONE knowing

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