(Bcoz of Moonbyul, Y/N spending time with BTS also. She joined them most at lunch with Moonbyul. BTS find Y/N a cold hearted person coz Taehyung nd Jungkook both tried to impress her nd tried to wield her in their charm but she never paid attention to them nd how can she when he heart already for Jimin but she never showed her feelings as she knew the rule.)


(Few days later)

(It's late night nd BTS were recording on their studio nd all are tired now nd having their break time nd eating here nd talking about Y/N now.)

Jungkook: Hey guys I'm out in this I know Y/N must has a boyfriend

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Jungkook: Hey guys I'm out in this I know Y/N must has a boyfriend. That's why she is not getting impressed by us.

Jimin: *Laughed* Haha Oh now where ur "World's Sexiest man" charm gone hh?

Jungkook: Yaahh! Jimin hyung shut up ok .. its not just me Tae hyung also lost in bet.
Taehyung: Hey not my fault I think she is blind or dumb I mean who will ignore us dude.

(It was Taehyung nd Jungkook bet when they first saw Y/N they bet with each other that who will make this girl fall first.)

Jimin: Dumb?... She is smart she might know what stupidity u guys doing.
Taehyung: *scoffed* If its that so ... so u give it a try Jimin, let's see u have that charm or not.

Jimin: Oh plz!.. I'm not in ur stupid bet nd it's not like Y/N is hard to get, It's u both are waste, (he said with rolled eyes) .. Nd Let's say Jin hyung can do this ryt Jin Hyung.

(Jin put his phone down on table nd look Jimin with done face.)

Jin: Why will I try? it's a stupid bet.
Namjoon: Jin hyung! Tell them the truth.
(He said with a loud laugh while sitting near Jin.)

Jin: Hey no shut up Joonie.
(He yelled nd tried to cover Namjoon mouth but before he could do Namjoon said loudly.)

Namjoon: Jin hyung also tried but Y/N didn't give a shit.

BTS except Namjoon: *shocked* Whattt?? Really Jin hyung?

(They all looked Namjoon in shock but quickly bust out in laugh loud.)

Jin: Yahh! U guys stop it ok nd Joonie it was not like I give a try I was just checking....
Jimin: *cut him off* Checking What? .. U also lost, U highly disappointed me Jin hyung. (He said in a sarcastic way nd laughed on Jin.)

Jin: Oh then u give a try, let's see u have that charm or not.
Jimin: No way I already told u I won't try this bet she is My Noona's frnd, Nd u know Noona will kill me if I play with Y/N feelings.

Jungkook: It's not like we playing with her feeling it's just for fun just a bet we'll tell her after it end.
Jimin: Still I'm not in, I told u before. U know my Noona.

𝗙𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 (He Bet His Members To Make You Fall For Him) [✅] [Jimin FF] Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя