Yoongi : He is looking so cute just like a soft fluffy ball

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Yoongi : He is looking so cute just like a soft fluffy ball . I will always protect my Angry Bird . Ahhh he is sleeping while pouting . Look how innocent he looks while sleeping but when he wakes up he start yelling and complaining . Yeah nowadays he start yelling . Who can say that this little Kid who used to shutter while talking with me now start yelling on me without any fear ? Eomma Appa truly brought an angel for me . Sleep well Kid . ( Stroking his hairs last time before going to his room for taking bath . )

  Time skipped after 1 hr : 

  A/N  POV  : 

Yoongi was making breakfast for everyone and Jimin was still sleeping peacefully in the Living Room . After 10 mins Jimin woke up and found himself tugged into the duvet . He quickly picked his phone and checked the time . His eyes widened 😳 after seeing the time . He immediately remembered that Yoongi woke him up but he again fall asleep . He looked here and there but couldn't found Yoongi so he started shouting ......

Jimin (shouts) : YOON ...... YOON....

Yoongi (shouts back from the Kitchen) : I'm in the Kitchen .

( Jimin immediately ran to the Kitchen . )

  In  the  Kitchen  : 

He saw Yoongi was cooking the breakfast

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He saw Yoongi was cooking the breakfast . He went near Yoongi and angrily said ............

Jimin ( cute big angry pout ) : YOON !

Jimin ( cute big angry pout ) : YOON !

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