Little did he know, the girl had posted the picture online and fans and paparazzi had started to gather in front of the bar.

What's all that commotion?

"Jimin-ah! Are you here on a date?"


"Jimin, look over here!"

"Can we take a picture?"

"Is bts really breaking up?"

Before he knew it, Jimin was surrounded by people, all of them shouting at him. Dozens of pictures were being taken, the flashing lights disorienting him.

"No comment." Jimin managed to bring out, albeit slurred. He stood up a little too quickly and fell backwards against the bar.


"Are you drunk?"

Jimin stumbled out of the building and rushed back to his apartment. His heart was beating loudly as he slammed the door shut behind him.

Once the singer had taken a moment to calm down, the nausea started kicking in and Jimin had to run to the bathroom to ensure his floor remained clean. Even afterwards, he didn't feel much better.

He lay down on the ground - the spinning was becoming unbearable. It wasn't long before everything turned black. Jimin couldn't tell if it was from falling asleep or fainting.

A few long hours later, Jimin awoke. His head was pounding severely and his whole body ached. As per tradition, after waking up Jimin looked around for his phone.

He had a few texts, all from management. None from the members. Oh.

To say the management was displeased would be an understatement. Jimin was kept busy for a few hours being scolded by them. It wasn't until he saw the pictures from the night before that he truly understood how bad it was, not even considering the video of him nearly falling flat on his face.

After a long and exhausting day, Jimin sat down. He'd been yelled at for hours, he was made to promise to never go out without a bodyguard again. Worst of all, it was all for nothing. The only people who he wanted to care, didn't.

So, Jimin felt low. Really fucking low.

[To: Taehyungie] Wanna meet up tomorrow? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever.

It wasn't long until the other replied.

[From: Taehyungie] I can't tomorrow, I can in the weekend though?

Jimin never replied. He felt so incredibly alone. He'd not felt this way for a very long time.

You don't need them. You were fine before you met them.

He knew this was a lie. Jimin was anything but okay before he met the others; he struggled with his body image a lot, constantly trying diets, each worse than the one before. It took Jimin a long time to accept himself but with the help of his brothers, he did.

Jimin stayed home. He didn't leave the safe place he'd created for himself. This continued for the entire week until monday, where the group had to shoot a commercial for Samsung.

He couldn't help but feel annoyed as he arrived on set.

"Jiminssi-!" Hoseok exclaimed as he saw the younger, approaching him and hugging him. Jimin returned the hug, though he did so half-heartedly.

Couldn't even tell me he was headlining lollapalooza.

"Hey, hyung."

"Are you okay, Jiminie? You seem tired."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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