Every time she walked over to Oscar's, it felt shorter and shorter because she was so used to it now. Before he had claimed her, she had only been at his house a total of 5 times out of her 17 years of living. Now, it seemed like she was there every day.

Marianna walked up to the house and was surprised to see that Oscar wasn't working on his car or smoking a cigarette on the porch. She knocked on the door and stood patiently as she waited for it be answered.

In a matter of seconds, the door was swung open, revealing Oscar. He was a bit shocked to see Marianna, but as his eyes set on her's, his features immediately softened.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I'm sorry, is it a bad time?" She questions, nervously messing with her hands.

"No. No." He says immediately, allowing her to walk in. "It's just... text before you come over when I don't invite you. I don't want you to accidentally come over when something's going down."

"Oh okay." She nods, looking around the house as if it was her first time there.

"Do you want something to drink?" Oscar offers, already walking to the fridge.

Marianna would've said no, but he was already preparing himself to grab her something. "Sure. Water?"

"Of course." He grabs a water bottle, making his way back over to the girl. He twisted the cap, breaking the seal so it'd be easier for her to open it before handing it to her. "There you go."

"So, uh... how are you?" She asks. "Have you heard anything about your homie that got shot?"

"Yeah.. he's, uh, he's dead." Oscar looked down at the ground.

It was rare to ever see Oscar emotional. Marianna had grown used to it over the past couple of weeks because he was always gentle with her, but with other's he had that hard exterior on, like he couldn't be touched or phased by anything.

"Oscar, I'm sorry." Marianna set her water bottle down as she wrapped her arms around the man.

He stood there in shock for a bit, processing the affection, but then wrapped his arms around her petite figure. He sighed in the comfort of her body heat and it was as if all of his problems had evaporated.

"It's okay." He whispered.

"No, it's not." She pulls away from the hug to look at the man. "It's not okay that he's dead, and it's not okay that you can just say it's okay because you're used to it. You shouldn't have to be used to this, Oscar."

"There's nothing I can do about it, Red." He shrugs. "This may not be how your life is, but it's how my life is. I've been around this my whole life."

"I-I know." She stutters, looking down at the ground. "It just sucks."

"Yeah, it does." He sighs. "But..." He hesitated. He wasn't sure how Marianna would react to the words he was about to say because when it came to her feelings for him, she was bipolar. "...you being here makes everything a little bit better."

Marianna gave him a warm smile. The fact that she could help him out of a bad mood made her feel better about herself. "Then I'll stay a bit longer." She offers.

"Yeah?" Oscar's eyebrows raise in shock.

"Yeah." The raven haired girl nods. "We never finished the movie halloween night."

"Oh, God." He groans as the girl pulls him over to the couch. "Please, let's watch something else."

"Okay, we can watch Legally Blonde." She smiles, laughing as Oscar groans loudly. "And you can't fall asleep. You have to watch the whole thing with me."

𝐕𝐔𝐋𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 - 𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘻, 𝘰𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ