Finding His Peace Of Mind

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Chapter 34: Finding His Peace Of Mind.

Dedicated to: PrettyKibaa and shy_not_shy


"Shut up!" I yell and continue punching the tree repeatedly over and over again until it cracks.

'Why should I? Our mate is gone and now I'll never be able to see her again!' My wolf yells back and I collapse to the floor in a heap.

"I know! I know I know I know dammit please. Please I need some fucking time!" I yell desperately while pulling on my hair putting up my mind block hoping it stays this time.

"Please." I whisper and sit on the floor rocking back and forth hoping that I can keep all these damn animals and demons inside.

'Just destroy. Its so much easier than keeping control.' Ryder mutters and I know he's begging be let out.

"Stay out of my head you little shit!" I yell and he quiets down.

Fuck I can't get a damn break. Let me mourn for the rest of my damn life in peace!

'Imagine how much of a pain the rest of your life will be if Valerie was only pulled an hour ago.' My wolf butts in and I put the wall back up.

Stupid mutt.

"Hey Greyson, you alright?" Crystal purrs and my gaze immediately snaps up to her.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Get the fuck out of here my mate and your Luna just died!" I yell astonished that this bitch is trying to hit on me.

"Petty excuse of a Luna don't you think?" She asks and I'm immediately in front of her snapping her neck.

"Finally peace and quite." I grumble then sit back down.

Yes, I just killed her off that quickly do you have a damn problem?! I want to yell at the little damn angel in me that's begging to scold me.

I don't feel like being chastised for my sins at the moment.

Besides, I only partially snapped her neck. The wicked bitch isn't actually dead.

'Karmas a bitch.' Ryder warns with a snicker and I snarl.

'Ive lost everything you stupid demon.' I growl and he shuts up knowing it's true.

I hate everything.

'I hate you too.'

'Do you not know what shut the hell up means you stupid damn wolf?! Shut the hell up before I get a witch to take you out of my damn mind.' I growl and rub my temples.

I swear if I shed one more tear or this wolf says one more annoying damn thing then I'm going to kill myself.

'You can't do that.' My wolf mumbles then puts up our mind block.

I lay on the ground in a fetal position curled into a ball and I wonder how sorry I look.

'You probably look like a little bitch. But I'm not judging.' Ryder says and disappears.

Probably? I know I do.

"Alpha?" I look up on my position on the ground ready to tell the person to fuck off when I see James.

'Thats the boy Valerie would take care of. You know the one that would sleep in her bed?' Ryder says and I sit up.

I look at James to see he wears a sad expression and that he has tears streaks.

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