Susan slowly got up from her chair. The entire ordeal somehow did not wake Cerberus up.

Y/n: Did you get any collector crap?

Susan: Yes. I did. Follow me.

Susan walked towards a door to another room. Y/n followed.

Susan: How do you know of him?

Y/n: I've talked to him. He's a damn brat.

Susan: Yeah. I get your point.

Susan opened the door and it revealed circle shaped glass pane with a crescent moon on it.

Y/n: Yeah, This seems perfect.

His eyes no longer functioned the way they used to, He could not see the magic in anything anymore. He was simply hoping.

Y/n held it in between his arm and prepared to leave. He wasn't going to simply deactivate Mortal Speaker as he'd simply disappear. It was not teleporting. It was his body ceasing to exist.

Y/n: I'd say thanks. But you're the reason I'm doing this.

Susan: I'll take it.

Y/n prepared himself to go out, but not before asking Susan a question.

Y/n: You tell them the lie?

Susan: Yes. They all believed it.

Y/n walked through Susan's front door and walked out into the street. A couple of titan trappers passed by, all bearing a mark on their head. The same mark on Y/n's shoulder. The mark of the cursed coven.

Y/n's coven was special. In the sense that if you were branded by it, It wouldn't take away all other magic you have. Rather being added to a form of hive mind like the Iterations. Y/n being the one in control of it all. In a sense, The first iteration to hundreds of them. That's what he taught Susan to do.

His plan was to brand everyone with his coven. To make them soldiers to aid Luz if he wasn't there by the day of unity. Sure, It was a evil thing to do. But sometimes, You had to leave your morals for the greater good. At least, that's what he told himself.

Y/n, with them all apart of his hive mind, He could walk through the masses without problem. The only thoughts on his mind was the magic in the glass pane he held and Nog. But he had his goals. To get off this island and reach the boiling isles. He couldn't do that without the pane.

Y/n looked over to the titan body, somewhat covered in, What was technically, him.

Y/n: So that's gonna be me after all this. I'll be the ones taking out Titans. Kings people.

Titan: Hey dude, You wanna talk about this?

Y/n, at the titan, looked away from the computer screen and towards the titan next to him.

Y/n: What is there to talk about? The titans want to kill me and everyone I care about because Kel made Nowhere a martyr for them and I got stuck with him as a iteration.

Titan: Look kid, I get it. You want to save everyone you love and you think violence is the only way. But sometimes peace is an option too.

Y/n: Where can I find peace in this situation? The only way they'll stop is if I'm dead.

Titan: Then think about what that entails. Death is a state. I kicked the bucket and I'm still here. I doubt you'd go down so easy either.

Y/n: So what your saying is my death needs to happen? Everyone would be better off if I died?

Titan: Tell me what's better? A war with gods that will only end in bloodshed and tears? Or one death to save them all.

Y/n stood in silence. Powerful as he was, He was no hero. He relied on the powers he had to save him from any trouble. But without them, He was a coward. He was no more selfless that anyone else.

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