"No... I..."

Valentino was speechless. Why was he eager to stab his best friend in the back?!

Adin, on the other hand, was disappointed. He realized that he wasn't that good at getting to know people.

Alberu, on the other hand, took note of the idea that one of the nobles in the empire had shouted into his mind. If he could convince Valentino, Roan would no longer be the weakest kingdom on the continent.



"Follow his highness's orders!"

He could hear his subordinates playing along as he urgently rushed toward Adin.

He looked around as he did that.

People looked shocked at this unexpected development.

However, that shock was slowly disappearing from their faces.

Valentino paid close attention to the soldiers, knights, and nobles.

He could see the changes in their expressions.

Fear and disbelief replaced shock.

Black magic and Saint Jack.

"Saint Jack..."

'No way! Those twins couldn't be alive there, could they?'

'That crazy swordsman's brother-!'

"Another traitor, I'm not surprised that this terrorist is here."

If poor Jack had heard this, he would have been very sad. This pure-hearted person was slandered without any fault. But anyway, mud shows up on white things, right?

"My God! What's wrong with you?! Is it the possibility of a terrorist being here or is it black magic?! Which is worse, can't you tell?!"

Angry ever since he was forcefully awakened from his slumber, the gray dragon's shout made people pay attention to him.

As opposed to something forbidden like black magic, a terrorist was indeed a minor matter.

"Humans are really stupid!"

The people of the Empire slowly started to suspect and question things after seeing both of them.

'He is alive'

However, faithful priests who worshiped the Sun God and many inhabitants of the empire could not help but think about it.

People who had never thought that the saint could do such a thing, now began to think of something else.

"What does he mean by 'seeing both'?"

They had seen the black magic. No, the people there were seeing the black magic.

Tboah reactOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora