Regrets & Redemption

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The nightmares plagued Jax's sleep, each one a vivid and haunting reminder of the recent events that had unfolded. He would wake up in a cold sweat, his heart racing, the images of betrayal, conflict, and loss fresh in his mind.

Night after night, he found himself reliving the moments when he had to follow orders that went against his sense of loyalty and duty. Kira's death, the confrontation with Appo, and the chaos at 79's bar replayed in his mind, each time more intense than the last.

Jax knew that he was struggling to come to terms with the choices he had been forced to make. The weight of those decisions hung heavy on his shoulders, and he found himself questioning whether he had done the right thing. He couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt that gnawed at him, even in his waking hours.

One night, unable to sleep, Jax decided to take a walk through the dimly lit corridors of the Venator-class Star Destroyer he now called home. He hoped that the solitude and the quiet hum of the ship's engines would help calm his restless mind.

Jax decided to talk to the one person that might understand him, Commander Cody. Jax knew Cody was having regrets, so he went to talk to him.

Jax found Commander Cody in his quarters, his armor partially removed, sitting on the edge of his bunk with a distant look in his eyes. It was clear that he, too, was grappling with the weight of recent events. Without a word, Jax entered the room and took a seat nearby.

Cody glanced up as Jax entered, his expression a mix of surprise and acknowledgment. There was a shared understanding between the two commanders, a recognition of the internal struggles they both faced.

"Jax," Cody greeted, his voice carrying a mix of weariness and sincerity. "I wasn't expecting company."

Jax nodded in response. "I couldn't sleep. I've been having these nightmares... about what's been happening."

Cody sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. "Nightmares... yeah, I know what you mean."

They sat in a moment of shared silence, the weight of their words hanging in the air.

"I can't shake off the feeling that we've become something we never signed up for," Jax continued, his voice tinged with frustration. "The decisions we've had to make... they're tearing me apart."

Cody looked at him, his expression pained but understanding. "I know, Jax. I've been questioning everything too. What we used to stand for... it feels like it's slipping away."

Jax nodded in agreement. "I thought about what we were back on Bothawui, what we built with our men. And now, everything's changed. I don't even recognize myself sometimes."

Cody let out a heavy sigh. "I've lost count of the times I've had to follow orders that went against my gut. Orders that caused pain and suffering."

Jax paused, "We need to do this." pulling up a hologram of the medbay, "the chips in our brains. We need to get rid of them and off of Coruscant."

Cody looked at the hologram, his brow furrowed in contemplation. "Removing the chips... it's a risky move, Jax. If anyone finds out, we'll be marked as traitors."

"I can't continue to serve the Empire, Cody." Jax stammered, "I just can't. We have to remove our chips and get out of here." He paused, "it's the only way we can escape."

Cody looked at Jax, his expression torn between uncertainty and determination. "Jax, you're asking us to commit treason. If we're caught, we'll be hunted down, executed."

"I know, Cody," Jax's voice was filled with a mix of desperation and resolve. "But can you really stand by and watch as our brothers continue to be manipulated, turned into pawns of the Empire? We've lost too many already."

Cody ran a hand through his hair, his conflicted emotions evident. "I've been haunted by what happened on Utapau, by what I did to Obi-Wan. I can't deny that something is fundamentally wrong with how things have turned out."

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