omeshot #8 - downtown date ❤️

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*frankie + nick are having their "first date" (but the others r gonna be there too 💀)*

Nick's POV:

My palms were sweating continuously. I never knew being this nervous was possible. I've known Frankie since high school and I've had an enormous crush on him since high school.

This is going to be our first official date, though. But... We won't exactly be alone. Chris insisted on coming. Wherever Chris goes, Matt & Nate go.

Wherever I goes, Larri and Madi follow close behind.

It doesn't bother me, honestly I'll definitely feel more comfortable with my friends beside me and my possible boyfriend. It's still nerve racking.

What if I make a fool of myself? That was the true question.


My brothers and I are rarely ever the only people at our house. A friend or other family member is always visiting. Today wasn't different. Madi was over.

Frankie was at his house, probably getting dressed. I wonder if he's as nervous as I am.

Frankie looks great in everything, he never seems to try when it comes to looks either. He's so incredibly attractive, beauty and personality wise.

I don't believe in any God, but I still am praying that he'll ask me to be his boyfriend.

"Nick!" Chris screamed outside my door, I swear he's never quiet.

"What?" I yelled back with similar intensity.

"Come out here!" Chris said again, lowering his voice. I opened up my door to be met with Chris in Madi's shirt.

That shirt was so small it was a crop top on him. Not only that, but he had a small amount of makeup on his face. The man looked like a retired drag queen.

"Who are you trying to be? Rupaul?" I asked sarcastically . Chris thought for a second.

"Yes actually." He said, tipping his bucket hat. I shook my head.

"Chris- help me, would you?" I said, holding up options of clothes. He grimaced.

"You should wear something like what i'm wearing." He said, giving a 360 of Madi's fashion.

"Are you seriously going downtown like that?" I said, but quickly corrected myself.
"I mean you look great or whatever."

"Don't be worked up about it. Frankie will probably show up in sweatpants anyways." Chris said, walking out of the room.

I fell onto the bed. Never have I ever been so indecisive.

This is horrible. I hate dates, at least the very little ones I've been on. This shit is so stressful.

I decided on something I wear everyday, a sweater. Boring? yes. Comfortable? Also yes.


Frankie came quickly and I hoped into his car. I kissed him on the cheek when he opened the front door.

Damn, I am smooth.

"Haven't been waiting long, have you?" He asked, smiling down at me. He held onto my arms. He's only a few inches taller than me, but still.

"Not at all." I said. If I had waited long I had no idea, I lost my sense of time the second Chris was wearing that absurd crop top.

I embraced Frankie before we got into the car. Chris was right, Frankie wasn't super dressed up. But God did he look good.

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