When He's Upset

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Stiles: When Stiles is upset he calls you over for a cuddle session which usually ends in you comforting him while he lays his head on your lap. Which by the way gives you a perfect opportunity to play with his soft brown hair.

Scott: Scott never really tells you when he's upset fearing that it'll make you worry about him. So you learned all the signs he has while being upset and you sit down and talk it out with him.

Derek: Everyone knows that Derek isn't really good at expressing himself, but when he's with you its different. He will spill out all of his feelings to you while you try to keep him calm by holding his hand.

Isaac: When Isaac is upset it completely breaks your heart. He will mope around and not talk to anyone all day so you take him his favorite movie for a long night of cuddling and talking to each other about anything and everything.

Liam: Liam blows up when he's upset. Sometimes its because of his anger issues and other times its just because he's had a bad day. He's all cute and sweet at first, but when he's upset he rants on about whats bothering him while he paces around which causes you to giggle.

Aiden: Aiden doesn't like telling you when he's upset because he thinks it makes him seem weak. He wants you to see him as a hot bad boy that doesn't get effected by anything but you can always tell when he's upset because he whispers everything and acts all cute.

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