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Emaline wakes up naturally to sun shining through the blinds of the window.

She is surprised, but grateful that she wasn't woken up to bustling and being cuffed at the hands and feet.

Emaline took a few minutes to sit in the peaceful stillness. She listened to the birds chirp outside, taking it all in before life went back to her chaotic new normal.

A gentle knock was heard from outside her door, "Emaline? You decent?"

"Yes, please let me out. I need to pee!" Emaline waited at the door for Harry to let her out.

Harry politely nodded a 'good morning' before holding out a shower caddy, "I'll show you to the toilet. You'll get full privacy, but the bathroom will be locked from the outside. Knock when you're finished."

Emaline quietly followed Harry down the hallway and into the bathroom, silently thanking the universe that she was going to be able to have some autonomy for the morning.

"Are there any other clothes I could change into?" Emaline set her shower caddy on the sink, turning back towards Harry.

Harry looked his side to clear his throat, "Ehm, Jo is out getting you a wardrobe right now. I'll have her bring them when she gets back."

Emaline gave an awkward half smile, as to say thank you and okay.

Once the lock of the door was heard, Emaline began to strip off her pajamas.

The feeling of warm water rushing over her body is just what she needed. Showers were like a reset. All of the pain and stress from the past few days felt like it was just being washed away.

It's easy to lose track of time in the shower. Especially after the events of yesterday. Emaline has never felt so grateful for hot water.

When Emaline heard the door of the bathroom open, she froze, "Uhm.. Somebody is in here.."

She covered herself with the shower curtain, popping her head out to see who has violated her private time.

Her eyes squeeze shut when she sees a strung out Louis taking a piss, "Excuse me! I'm showering in here!"

Louis looked over to Emaline with bloodshot eyes, he drunkenly smiled, nodded and left. He didn't even bother to shut the door, flush, or wash his hands.

Emaline gagged at the thought and continued to wash the conditioner from the ends of her black hair.

Turning off the faucet and reaching for a towel, Emaline felt very exposed due to the bathroom door being wide open. She was covered by a towel and the shower curtain, but she was still hesitant to get out.

She finally built up the courage to step out of the shower at the worst possible time.

Standing in the door frame was the devil himself. Harry Styles.

"How the fuck did you get the door open?" Harry shouted with confusion littering his face.

Emaline looked down at the towel wrapped around her body and back up to Harry; trying to signal that his presence was crossing a boundary.

But what did he care about Emaline's boundaries. He's clearly shown that he didn't give a shit about her or her boundaries.

"Did you not hear me or something? Y'need me to be louder?" Harry's accent got thicker as he yelled louder.

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