
17 5 0

I don't know how to explain it,
How my heart sinks,
When I see someone better than me.

My face loses colour,
Yet it still looks the same.
I have just gotten that good at pretending
That it seems that I don't cower,
Or feel the urge to go out running

Tears stain my face
When I finally leave without a trace
How to explain it?
I don't know how.

It's more than I can bring words to life,
More than what my eyes can cry,
More than what I can speak, I've tried

That weighty comparison,
My voice has learned to whisper.
The way my eyes flicker
Or the way it flashes but goes as quickly as it came
When the better person walks into the room

My head is down,
My tears threatened to fall.
But I look up and smile,
Chit chat and feign delight.

Waiting for the night to pass,
So I can crawl into my bed and cry fast
Wipe it and close my heavy eye lids
Then I'll finally have peace,
From the thoughts that suffocate me from within

: ̗̀➛ Poetry: A JourneyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora