1. Thalia

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1/9. Thalia

"Uncle Will," you murmured, eyes wide in apprehension. "I think you'll need more than a part-timer."

"N-Nonsense, [lass/lady]," he dismissed with a nervous grin. His words were halted by the strain of leaping up onto the counter to flank your side. Snap. Snap. "There's no help more qualified than me flesh an' blood."

You blew a slow stream of air through your nose at his response, and the fatigue which accompanied the gesture felt bone-deep. 

Snap. Snap. 

A wayward crusher claw snipped a hair too close for comfort, and you tucked your feet beneath you nervously. The antiquated oar you'd swiped from the broom cupboard felt akin to a hero's saber as you hoisted it high above your head before making a dramatic sweep of the ground beneath you.

Snap. Snap. Thwack!

The domino effect of wood-against-shell-against-shell made for an awful sound somewhat reminiscent of scraped ceramic, and the wiggling mosh-pit of red and cream parted just long enough for you to catch sight of the creaky floorboards below.

'Well, I wanted adventure…' you'd reminded yourself internally, and you watched, somewhat helplessly as the many-bodied blob drew nearer and nearer to your person. ' Though this isn't quite what I had in mind.'

"That's the spirit!" your uncle decreed with a boisterous laugh. "Give these old girls a taste of their own medicine, eh?"

"I'm not sure smacking them away is going to work in the long run," you retorted with an uneasy frown. "Maybe we should make a jump for the latter?"

"Bah!" he scoffed as he reached across you in order to scoop up a hefty, potted ponytail palm. "No fisherman worth his salt would run from a catch."

He, perhaps in attempts to follow your example, lifted the poor houseplant into the air as if he expected to find rupees inside, and then–

"What the hell , Willy?" 

A tinkling of seashells strung above the door alerted the two of you to a sudden intrusion, and you sighed with relief at the sight of two strapping young gentlemen slipping through the entryway.

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