6th Story - Esmeralda

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"Okay, bad example," I shook my head. "Scrap the wall metaphor. Talkin' to her right now's pretty much the same as tryin' to explain artillery trajectories to Melindra."

Dame Eirlys raised an eyebrow. "You aren't much better than her at that particular subject, you know?"

"Yeah? Well, unlike her, I can throw a spear pretty damn well, so I wager I could just throw, like, thirty spears in the time it takes for me to direct an artillery volley. It's pretty much the same thing, right?"

"It's not, and you know it." Dame Eirlys sighed. "Anyway, you missed my point. You've known her longer than I do, and more personally as well. Could you and Melindra please just give it another try?"

I sighed. I knew it would be an exercise in futility, but since Dame Eirlys was so adamant, it would simply be disrespectful to keep rejecting her plea for help. "Alright, Dame Eirlys. I'll see what we can do, but uh... I hope you're not expectin' results anytime soon 'cause honestly, I've never even seen Medrauta get so damn depressed."

"...Agreed. Normally, a knight would be honored to serve as the princess' knight, but Medrauta seems far more upset about it than her two-hundred loss streak."

"Well, yeah. She and Lady Viviane kinda had a thing."

"Medrauta did? With a lady, no less?"

My eyes widened as my hands flew over my big fucking mouth. Ah shit.

"...Well, it's not as if knights are forbidden from having relationships here at the academy. I just hope it won't distract her from her duties too much, though... I suppose it's already a bit too late for that, isn't it?" Dame Eirlys sighed.

"Eh, I guess so. But y'know, y'don't need to worry so much, Dame Eirlys. These sorts of things usually sort themselves out, don't they? Anyway, if there's nothin' else, can I get back to my sparring session with Leila? She's been waitin' for a couple minutes already."

Dame Eirlys nodded. "Of course. I'll be dismissing everyone in ten minutes though, so hurry up with the match, yeah?"

"Will do, ma'am." I gave her a quick perfunctory salute before making my way back to Leila, my sparring partner.

She had straight blonde hair that hung down to her waist and shimmering green eyes that nearly matched my own in terms of beauty. In terms of skill, we were pretty evenly matched, but since her primary choice of weapon was a rapier whereas mine was a greatsword, she wasn't exactly having the best time of her life.

"I'm sorry, Esme," Leila said as I approached her. "I must've gotten you into trouble..."

I blinked, not even sure how she'd managed that particular conclusion. "Uh... What?"

"Dame Eirlys was scolding you about using a greatsword against me, wasn't she? I should've picked a heavier weapon instead to accommodate you..."

"...The hell? Leila, are you good? I know you just transferred in from Sir Richard's class, but Dame Eirlys ain't like that. Ain't nobody gonna accommodate you in the arena, so why the hell would we do it in class? That'd just make sparring useless."

"O-Oh... Yeah, I guess you're right, ahaha... Sir Richard's class is just very focused on fairness, I suppose. But in that case, why did Dame Eirlys pull you away for so long?"

I shrugged. No harm in telling her when Medrauta wasn't exactly making an effort to hide herself. Hell, she could've just skipped class entirely and the result would've been the same. Instead, she chose to park her fat ass on the bleachers and watch us spar for whatever reason.

And yeah, her ass is fuckin' fat. Like I'm talkin' MASSIVE. I got no clue what kinda loads she's horsin' around, but I gotta get myself on some of that, like damn... One of my biggest weaknesses is speed and explosive agility, so while I'm pretty big for a gal, I ain't too quick compared to Medrauta.

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