Treating Your Hair Right

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Heat is not good for your hair. I know everyone wants their hair to look nice so you use the curlers, straightening iron and etc. But too much heat can cause bad damage to your hair. It can cause breakage. I know that for a fact because my hair was like that but when I stopped using less heat on my hair and kept it moisturized my hair started back growing. My opinion personally it's better to use to straightening comb. If you decided to use the straighten comb. After every strand you go through with the straightening comb, apply grease or heat protector your scalp. Grease keeps your hair moistured and heat protector gives it a shine and keeps from your hair being damaged.

For example: everyday in the morning for school I always use the curlers to do my hair and the bathroom floor would be full with my hair on the floor from the constant combing and curling. But once I started to using the curlers twice a week, less damage was done.

Always keep your hair moistured especially the roots and the ends. African American hair tends to be drier because the natural oils don't always make it to the end of the hair. The best way to keep your hair moistured is to put oil all over your hair and wear it in a bun. That way the oil is kept in place and your hair stays moistured.

When combing always use a wide tooth comb. Combing with regular combs can cause breakage.Especially if you just got done washing your hair because your hair is tangled up. It's best after washing your hair, put oil on you hair, put it in a ponytail and tie your hair up. And in the morning style it however you want.

I really hope this chapter is useful and helpful.

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