Meeting my Brother

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I stretched out in the bed and found no Jason. I lifted my head and drool was all over my pillow. "*giggles* Ewwww" I wiped off the drool on my face and limply sat up on the bed. I rubbed my eyes and scratched my head lazily. "Hmmmm..." I squinted and looked at the old radio sitting upon the countertop. "I woooonder if it works...its too quiet in here" I laughed to myself. I sat on the edge of the bed and got on my one good leg. I hopped on my one leg with my hand running along the chipped, white painted, walls. I jumped and almost fell but I reached the counter in time to catch my fall. "Hmmmm..." I flicked through the channels till I found a satisfying station to listen to. I then began hopping back then *THUD* I fell my clumzy ass on the floor. "OW!" I kindah hurt my leg. I layed on the floor feeling stupid and facepalmed my head on the floor..."ow"

*CRASH* a door slammed open scaring me "HOLY SHIIZZZzzzzzz..... •3• ......oh hi Jason....." I looked over at a machete he was holding but he threw it onto the floor making a clang noise. He walked over to me standing for a while, towering over me. ~My god he is tall...~ I blushed like the heck is wrong with me woman. He then crouched next to me. He looked me in the eyes and tilted his head I bursted out giggling "I fell on the floor trying to turn the radio on" I noticed him smile cause his eyes kind of closed from his cheeks raising. He picked me up and sat me down on the bed. He stood there I said said to him "hmmmm...there was something I wanted to ask but i forgot..." He then sat in a chair and waited for me to remember...

~2 minutes of hard thinking latah ಠ-ಠ~

"OH I REMEMBER!" I made him jump in his chair from the sudden silence breaking. "Can we go see my brother (b/n)? I want you to meet him" he seem very unhappy at the question but I blabbed on "he's a 30min walk west from here ... Oh wait I can't walk... " I got sad, layed down, and wrapped myself in a blanket grumpily. Two big arms picked me up. "What the hayhay Jason I'm trying to being grumpy -3-... *pouting* He carried me outside and started walking west. "YAY *pointing* ONWARDS TO MY BROTHER!"

~15min later ~(ಠ_ಠ)~

"Jason are your arms tired of holding me yet cause we could take a break if you'd like?" He simply nodded a 'no' and continued. "Okey dokey" I limped my head watching upsidedown trees pass by.


"Where here! Sit me down over there please." He walked over to the spot I pointed to, sat down, and put me on his lap. "Jason this is my brother (B/n), (B/n) this is my new friend Jason!" I said as I patted the the rock next to us carved 'Here Lies (B/n) 1996-2005'
I looked at Jason saddened as he tilted his head and pointed to the sky. It made a ball of pressure form in my neck. "Y-Yeah...he's in a better place now" I looked down and wiped away my watering eyes. He looked sad and still confused. "You wannah know how huh?" I asked concerned. He nodded 'yes' a little hesitantly and I pulled my self together and leaned back into his chest and looked towards the sky as I told...
~flash back~

"There was a thunderstorm outside and I was scared of it. My brother wanted me to face my fears and go play with him in the rain and thunder. He took me to a tetherball court we had in the orphanage and we played for a couple minutes then I eventually got used to the thunder. I hugged my brother thanking him for ridding me the fear of thunder. He was rubbing it in my face that he was smart and a strong big brother that he could do anything for his little sis. He hit the tetherball hard showing his strength. It wrapped around the top of the pole. "See I told you" he mocked. We laughed together as he climbed to get the ball unknotted from the top of the pole.*FLASH* the blinding light made me look away and I opened my eyes...and only to see him lying on the floor...dead"

I cried into Jason's shirt remembering (b/n) distorted on the ground. Jason hugged me tight comforting me. He then slowly he picked me up and walked away heading back to the cabin. He took one last glance at the carved rock and then the many others as he walked away.

(A/n) my fucking glob I had to write that shizz twice OK IMA CONTINUE ONWARDS WITH THE STORY ON MY TRUSTY STEED *rides away on Jason's shoulders into trees*

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