Eva Logan

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General Information

Species: Human/mutated Alien Hybrid

Home World: Earth

Residence: Bellwood

Age: 15


Ben's Team


Occupations: Student, Plumer

Love Interest: Ben Tennyson

Power and Abilities


Animal Morphing(Learns to control her powers allowing her to transform into other Aliens like wild mutt only green)

Superhuman agility

Above-average quick thinker

Equipment: Nothing



Mark Logan (Father) - Dead

Marie Logan (Mother) - Dead

Garfield Mark 'Gar' Logan (Older twin Brother) - Unknown

Aliases: Beast Girl -later

Nicknames: E

Alternate Counterparts:


Voice Actor: Tara Platt (4, 5, 10, 11, 15, and 16 years old)

Actor: Abigail Breslin

First Appearance: Kevin 11


Eva's physical appearance changed throughout her ages from first age ten to age sixteen years old. However she retains her dark green hair, green eyes and green skin that seemed to be prink scrawny even with being very flexible and very athletic.


Eva's parents Mark and Marie Logan, were geneticists that would travel the jungle of the world to study their wildlife. Their children would grow up in the jungles of Brazil, Africa, India, and several other places. The Logans particularly became interested in a rare species of green monkeys later learned to be aliens, but the day they found out about them something terrible happened.

Eva and her older twin brother Garfield would be bitten by them and would contract a serious illness called Sakutia. To save their children, her parents attempted to cure them both with a new serum that bestowed their shape changing abilities. This would cause an effect that would bond their D.N.A to merge causing their skin, hair, and eyes to turn green. Later their parents would die in a boat accident that also caused the children to lose each other at sea.

Eva, thinking her brother was dead would survive on the streets of New York were she would washed up in. The young girl would meet Kevin and the two would take care of the other before they would meet Ben Tennyson for the first time. After learning who her parents were Max would take in the orphaned child and the four would spend the rest of summer together. Then at the end she would be placed into the plumber training leaving the Earth behind.

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