Y/N let out a sigh before replying to her remark.

Y/N #4: "That might be true, but sometimes people tend to go back to their old habits when things get too stressful." ("I would know...")

There's a moment of silence in the room as Yang tilt her head on the floor as Y/N leans back on the bed with his arms supporting him. Sensing the awkward silence, Neo decides to type down something on Y/N's scroll before getting their attention by tapping on Y/N's shoulder and then Yang's shoulder.

Y/N #4: "Hm?"

Yang: "What is it?"

The mute girl then shows them her question in the scroll.

Neo: "What is the sign for pickle?"

Yang just brushes it off.

Yang: "Sorry, Neo, but I think I'm done for today."

Y/N #4: "Yeah, I need to get head back to my room.

However, Neo stops them, insisting the same question again. Yang tries to shove her off but, Neo avoids it, pointing at the word "pickle" in the scroll. Letting out a sigh, Y/N goes to sign the word as Yang does the same, which is visibly complex for her robotic fingers.

Yang: "Happy now?"

Neo nods with a satisfied smile as Y/N get his scroll, putting it away in his pocket. 

Y/N #4: "Well, I'm tired. I'm going back to my room. You should too, Neo."

In response to this, Neo happily wrap her arms around Y/N's arm, much to Yang's surprise as she suddenly recalls something back in their time in Beacon.

Yang: "Hold on... you and Neo are..."

Turning his head to Yang, Y/N slowly answers.

Y/N #4: "Y-Yeah... Neo... loves me..."

Neo: "I sure do."

The blonde process what she's looking at and their remarks before giving a deadpan expression to them, especially towards Y/N, letting out a short sigh. 

Yang: "Blake was right... you're quite the charmer."

Y/N #4: "I... well... I guess I am. So... you think we should-"

Yang: "Well, obviously, we tell her about the relationship we had going on with our team."

Y/N quickly nod to her as Neo is confused as to what they're talking about. Yang let out another sigh once more before turning to Neo. 

Yang: "Alright, Neo. Listen up."

Soon enough, Yang and of course, Y/N tells the mute girl about the poly relationship Y/N has with her and the rest of their team and how it'll work between them, and just so long as they agree to it, she be allowed in and don't plan to hurt Y/N. 

Yang: "Since me and Y/N are okay with you. What do you say, Neo?"

Neo is quite taken aback about all of this that she's hearing but, once she eventually processes their words, she ultimately agreeing to being part of this kind of relationship, considering she doesn't want to be left alone. 

Neo: "I agree to this."

Yang: "Okay then. Oh! But you also have to remember, Neo..."

The blonde girl goes to wrap her arms around Y/N's other arm, pulling him close to her.

Yang: "I'm his first and head of this relationship, aside from him. Right, babe?"

She then goes to lick his ear, making Y/N shiver a bit as Yang gives a cheeky smile.

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