Infiltrate the Metropolitan Building!

Start from the beginning

Omegamon: Nokia, I believe you can do it, too.

Nokia: Yow... What is this?! Suddenly I feel like I CAN do anything! ... Oh yeah. That's right. I did always say that! But Omegamon, this time is a little different. It's not that everything will work out... I... I'll MAKE. IT. WORK. OUT. YEAAAAAAH!!!

Sonic: Tsk, tsk, tsk. Now there's the Nokia I was expecting.

Nokia: Kyoko-san, I get it now! It's all good! I'll make it work somehow! Leave it to me!

Kyoko: Okay, I'm leaving it to you. Sonic, Sayo, Akari, Yuuko, Hanon and I will strike Duftmon. Hudie, you join the remaining Royal Knights, and fight outside. The main building will mostly likely be well protected.

Erika: Thus, you need offencive force to take down those defences, right? (Kyoko nods) Very well.

Sonic: Let's head on straight to Roppongi, then. The time has come to strike down the last of the knights!

Everyone nodded. Nokia left to gather all the Hackers, and start the plan. We shift to the Metropolitan Building. The gang has gathered at the entrance, which is actually the entrance to a huge Digital Shift.

 The gang has gathered at the entrance, which is actually the entrance to a huge Digital Shift

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Sonic: Wow, this is by far the biggest Digital Wave yet!

Sayo: Energy levels are extremly high here. 

Sleuth Digimon: All the fight between humans and Digimon has already broken out in the area around the Metropolitan Building. Our comrades are preventing the battle from expanding...

Erika: It's only a matter of time, before the scale increases. I've detected a powerfull force field near the top level of the Metropolitan Building. Duftmon may be there.

Chitose: Craniummon's crew is arriving.

Chitose pointed up, as Craniummon arrived, along with Magnamon, UlforceV-dramon, Gankoomon, JESmon, Sleipmon and Examon, who is only slightly taller than the other knights now.

Examon: The Four Great Dragons shared their holy powers with me, so that I could fight with you guys.

Dynasmon: We'll be striking the building, to reach Duftmon at the top level. We'll be destroying the Digital Line that he's using to get the power he needs to destroy this world. Once we do, join us at the top of the building.

UlforceV-dramon: Dukemon's not joining us?

Dynamon: Come to think of it, we never heard of Dukemon when this entire Paradise Lost Plan began. He would be on our side for sure. 

Sleuth Digimon: Unfortunatly, we can't waste anymore time to find him. However, I have a feeling he'll come to us eventually.

Dynasmon: Right. For some reason I feel the same.

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