Imagine #3

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It was your new year’s resolution to get into better shape, so you decided to run to the supermarket and get the stuff you needed instead of driving. You grabbed a coat and stuffed your phone in your pocket, turned on your iPod, and left your flat. It took you about fifteen minutes to get to the supermarket, which was about a mile away from your flat, and you grabbed a cart and started getting the stuff on your list. You only had one thing left on your list – you needed a bag of potatoes, but you had no idea where to get it. You turned around, and accidentally hit someone with your cart because you were so absorbed with your music. When you heard the huge crash and yelp, you realized what was going on, and looked over at whom you had hit. It was a boy, maybe in his early twenties, wearing a red and white striped shirt, some jeans and a pair of Toms. You quickly ran over and helped him, and realized he had a bag of potatoes, now all over the floor. “Hi, I’m Louis” the boy said. “Hi, I’m Y/N. Can I have some potatoes?” you asked. “Only if I can have your number” he said.

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