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PAST NAME(S)- Cottonkit, Cottonpaw

CURRENT NAME- Cottonrunner


PREFIX MEANING- Cotton for her off-white coat

SUFFIX MEANING- -runner, for when she was swift and fast

GENDER, AGE- female, 97 moons

CLAN- Windclan

RANK- Warrior

PAST RANK(S)- kit, apprentice


VOICE- Donna Murphy, specifically as Mother Gothel

FUR COLOUR(S)- off-white, and a little bit of pale orange

FUR DESC- sleek and thin

EYE COLOUR(S)- blue-gray

BUILD- tall and plump

SCENT- smells like the moor

SCARRING- yes. Has many scattered around her body. The most notable one being her disfigured jaw

WOUNDS- none

BASIC DESC.- a tall, plump, off-white molly with aged features, a disfigured jaw and a pale orange tail.


NEG. TRAITS- grumpy, abrasive, stubborn, argumentive

POS. TRAITS- motherly, wise, compassionate, loyal, protective, independent

OVERALL- Cottonrunner is an old Windclan she-cat who has seen much in her lifetime. She is wise and compassionate, but can sometimes come across as grumpy or abrasive to those who don't know her well. Despite her tough exterior, she has a soft spot for kits and is always happy to tell them stories about the good old days. She is also fiercely loyal to her clanmates and will go to great lengths to protect them. However, she can be quite stubborn and set in her ways, which can sometimes lead to arguments with the younger cats. Cottonrunner is also extremely independent, hating to rely on others and often opting to do things herself, even if it means she struggles.


AGILITY- 31/100

STEALTH- 72/100

FIGHTING- 54/100

HUNTING- 78/100

SPEED- 70/100

STRENGTH- 29/100

STAMINA- 21/100


CLIMBING - 30/100

SWIMMING- 20/100

SIGHT- 50/100

WARRIORS - An OC BookOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz