"then I looked up and saw that gargoyle coming down and thought at least I'll have an imaginative death and then I was pushed out of the way."

"yeah, I saved you, "Xarvie said back to Wednesday because Faith was not here to say it was her who did it and wanted nothing to do with what happened.

to witch Wednesday just say "why" back wanting to know why Xarvie said he saved her when it was faith.

"call it instinct"

"so you were guided by latent chivalry the tool of patriarchy to extract my undying gratitude," Wednesday said with the thought of knowing what she was thinking was true knowing Xavier didn't do anything and wanting to know why to lie about it.  but for now, she will play his game till she gets bored of it.

"mm-hmm, you how most people just say thank"

"I didn't want to be rescued"

"so I should have let that thing smash you to mush"

"I would have wanted to save myself. and it's not like you the one who saved me in the first place. your just some loser trying to say you did when you didn't"

"what do you mean?" Xavier said not liking the fact that he was being called out on it. but just trying to move on from it but at the same time knowing he needs to bring it back but not right now. so something else he added on.  " also good to see you haven't changed that at all" Then the last part of the just makes Wednesday look confused. "Xavier Thorpe? you probably don't remember me. last time we met I was about two feet shorter 40 pounds heavier."

"what happened"

"puberty I guess"

" I meant what happened the last time we met?" Wednesday says it is the most commented thing out there.

"oh uh, it was my godmother's funeral. Apparently, she was friends with your grandmother, and they spent their twenties in Europe, swindling the rich and notorious. I don't know but we were ten and we were bored and decided to play hide and seek. I had the inspired idea to hide in her casket. I got stuck as it was headed to the crematorium."

"I had heard muffled screams. I just figured your godmother had somehow cheated death and was trying to claw her way out."

"either way you hit the big red stop button and saved me from being flame-broiled. so what do you mean I'm not the one who saved you because I'm the one."

" the person that pushed me out of the ground had hazel eyes and dark brown hair colour and I'm petty sure her name is Faith." with that Wednesday stood up grabbed her coat and walked to the door before stopping to ask a question "Where is she that right now," Wednesday questioned the boy hoping to just get a place to go to and talk to faith herself.

"no clue" and with that Wednesday left annoyed not getting the answer she would have liked. and now Wednesday needed the plan to find the one student she wanted to talk to about something.


Wednesday was looking around the school to see if she could find Faith but every time she tried to ask people where the said girl was most of the time people didn't know where Faith was. and some people lied to try and get Wednesday off their backs about faith. when Wednesday was about to give up someone told her a location where Faith could be.

that first Wednesday didn't really want to go to the new places because she was lied to by all the other people she just thought why would this be any different? but after thinking about it she wanted to know why faith saved her so if this didn't work out she would stop and just find her when she came around her again. She got to the room she was told was faith before knocking on the door and waiting for someone to open the door.

Faith opens the door to see Wednesday standing there with her head out of the door. Faith asks "What are you doing here" not knowing that Wednesday know that she saved her from the gargoyle and she wants to talk about it.

"I come here to ask you why did you do it" Wednesday thinking the other will know what she was talking about by saying that.

"I have done a lot of things, you are going need to be more significant with what you're talking about," Faith said back to Wednesday hoping that she wasn't talking about what she thought Wednesday was talking about. and if she was she was just going to act like she didn't know what she talking about.

" you push what out of the way with the gargoyle, why?"

"What are you talking about what gargoyle"

"you pushed me out of the way with the gargoyle then fell on top of me, why,"

" What are you talking about"

"I saw you do so why to lie about it and just tell me why did you save me" Wednesday says in tone not sounding happy about it. but that is the same as wondering why the girl would lie to her about doing something that she did.

" Why do you want to know so bad and can't take it when I say I have no idea of what you are talking about," Faith's tone matched Wednesday which took Wednesday by surprise.

"were you guided by latent chivalry the tool of patriarchy to extract my undying gratitude" Wednesday decided to question trying to get the answer of why she did by questioning faith about it.

"you think for whatever reason that I save you for your undying gratitude when I said more than once that I didn't save you" Faith shot back to Wednesday just glaring at Faith not saying anything back to that. now that Faith can see they are done with what they were saying she goes back into her room and closes the door.

now Wednesday just stands there thinking about the converse that just happened and the fact is now she realizes the fact she didn't think about it before speaking to Faith about it. and the converse left her with more inquiries about the other girl than before. like why people hate and fear her she looked unsure and shy and not much of a people person. maybe she needs to ask her roommate about it or someone who has been here longer than her.

Wednesday turns and leave the other girl alone for now but more and more question comes to mind with the girl. and now Wednesday wishes she didn't try and find the other girl with the marks she left on her mind. with the lying to her face about something Wednesday knows she did and all the other things people say about her.

Wednesday X TribridWhere stories live. Discover now