Rescue me

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Dante POV

Having a family isn't something you find in mafias. To be even considered close to your family is almost unheard off.

Parents don't raise their children in the mafia, they train them.

Hell we weren't even trained by our parents, we were trained by our grandparents.

When my oldest brother Angelo was born our parents were 16.

Angelo took over the mafia at 18 then built his own house and moved in at 19.

One by one my brothers turned 18 and went to live with him. With the rule of if they leave they can't ever return, not even to see the brothers left behind.

I longed to turn 18 so I could see my brothers again

When I was 12 I got sick, really sick. My grandparents and parents didn't believe me and called me weak.

They refused to take me to the doctor. They didn't even talk to me and after I wasn't allowed at dinner; they didn't even want me in their presence.

I was locked up in my room like Rapunzel. My brothers would occasionally come into my room to keep me company or to give me food, sometimes even painkillers.

Romeo just turned 18 a week ago, he said he would get help for us, for me a week ago.

Mattia said he hasn't even texted him or Bruno. I didn't get a phone cause the old people of the house believed if I couldn't train I couldn't use technology.

I was laying on my bed, my legs and back hurting so bad tears were threading to fall.

I curled myself into a ball, my blanket covering my face.

On good days I would wake up, stretch, do some yoga and read whatever book my brothers brought me.

My door opened and Mattia walked through "hey we gotta go you think you can walk?"

I nodded my head and went to sit up, the world getting black and my body screaming.

"Yeah I'll take that as a no" Mattia laughed kneeling in front of the bed signaling for me to hop on.

"Where are we going?" I groaned as he stood up with me on his back.

He ignored my question but as we got downstairs I could hear grandpa yelling at someone.

"You are not taking any of them anywhere"

"I could get an easy case on you"

"Fine have the cripple but leave the other two"

"Fuck no, they are all coming with me"

"Ya know what fine, but I don't want them back or to hear you complain when that boy either dies or is useless"

"Don't take his words to heart, you ain't gonna die fratellino" Mattia whispered to me.

I didn't bother with a reply as Mattia carried me out into the living room where Angelo, our father, mother, grandfather, and grandmother stood.

"Yeah good luck Angelo the kid can't even walk on his own" grandfather scoffed.

Angelo ignored him and walked over to Mattia and me "do you mind if I hold you while Mattia grabs y'alls stuff?"

I nodded and Angelo grabbed me holding me to his chest "Gio's at the house waiting to check you over" He told me, taking me as quick as he could to the car and away from the horrors inside.

Bruno was already in the car with Mateo and Romeo, Mattia was putting our duffle bags in the trunk.

I don't know when he packed mine but I do tend to sleep a lot so there were many opportunities.

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