Two Years Later - Part 1

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The four turned toward the source of the voice that couldn't sound more familiar, and what came into view was an annoyed Zoro getting yelled at by a more annoyed Perona. Apparently, Zoro noticed the eyes on him and turned toward the four. "What? You guys all here already, huh?" He said, and the five exchanged looks, and they all let out a small chuckle, no longer sparing the very very annoyed Perona any of their attention anymore.

Around the same time, at different parts of the city, different things were occurring. A swarm of people were chasing after some certain characters. One of them had a very eye-catching bushy head, and the other one had an equally flamboyant looking head that was a bright blue. "Yohohohoho, Franky-san, I'm so glad to see you again! I'm feeling so exuberant now, although I'm already dead! Yohohohoho!" Brook shouted at Franky over all the screams from the people chasing after them.

"Awww!! I feel the same, Brook!! But I woulda feel so much more suuuuuper if we weren't chased by a freaking group of people!!! The hell did you do to attract this much attention???" Franky shouted back. "I didn't do anything, Franky-san! I just politely asked to see the panties of a kind lady, and everyone started screaming 'Soul King', and I had to run for it. Fortunately, I spotted you and came along. Yohoho, what a reunion we have here."
"As expected from Brook, the first thing he says after the arrival is a request to see panties! I admire your bravery! But now I understand. Apparently the fame and fans you gained as the Soul King never decreased! We're gonna be having a suuuuper tough one from here on! Let's shake them off first, Brook!!"
"Roger that, Franky-san!!" Brook shouted, and the two sped up, finally outrunning the rest about five minutes later.

"What the heck did I just see...?" An orange haired woman sighed and felt an overly familiar headache that she always experienced when her friends did something very stupid. She sighed again and shook her head. "No no no, no matter how stupid they are, they couldn't possibly start such a chaos as soon as they arrive here, right?" She thought, and as more and more faces of her friends popped out in her mind, she did a mental facepalm. "Who am I kidding of course they could..." She muttered, took another sip of her drink, and smiled at the thought of seeing everyone else again.

This was a bar in the busy area of Sabaody City, and just a few minutes ago, every customers' attention was drawn to the window, since apparently, the super famous Soul King Brook just ran past the window with a hentai next to him and a group of crazed fans behind him. Now, after the commotion outside was over, most of the people's attentions went back to where they were before.

"...As I was saying, I went quiet for two years and did a very very very rigorous program to get much smarter and much stronger than I was before, that's why my appearance changed somewhat. I knew that, as the hero who defeated two criminal organizations in a row, the responsibility to maintain peace and order will inevitably fall upon my shoulders!" The man speaking stopped and thumped his fist on his broad shoulder dramatically.

"I promise you! If you keep me on the front page of your paper and make me famous all the time, and let me have ten percent of your company's stocks, I'll give you every detail of my stories whenever I defeat more of those human scumbags!" He shouted, punching his hand in the air, and the people, mostly reporters and paparazzis, applauded. "Thank you very much for allowing us to interview you! The police forces have been extra strict with anything to do with you and your friends! Our newspaper is going to sell super well with this interview!!" One of the reporters shouted, and the man smirked and waved his hand dismissively.

The man getting surrounded by reporters, most of them were very attractive females by the way, then laughed and beckoned them to come closer, flinging his arms around their shoulders. Beside him sat some other people who appeared to be his friends. The orange haired woman took a glance at the group, and her eyes and the man's met.

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