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Anastasia's Pov

Steadily flickering my eyelashes I fought the blinding pain that was hurting my whole body, I wanted to wake up but I knew I no longer exist. I was dead. No! I was murdered and the biggest irony, my killers were no one but the people I loved and devoted myself to.

I wanted to cry loudly beating myself for being such a fool for all these years, how couldn't I see the betrayal of my loved ones?

My sister, parents, and even my husband!

The man who was supposed to trust me, love me, and take care of me was the one who planned my death. He threw me in the area of vultures who were already dying to skin me alive. How could I be so blind to not see how jealous and cunning my sister was? No, she wasn't some adopted or step-sister, we shared the same blood. We were biologically and completely related. But maybe this bond still wasn't enough to melt her stone heart.

I slowly raised my eyelashes letting the sharp sunlight attack me with no mercy, something didn't feel right. At this time something felt weird especially when I felt no pain in my body. But it was until I gasped out jerking up and sitting straight on the bed.

My eyes snapped up finding an old lady having an ugly expression glaring down at me as I asked for her kidneys. I looked down at my body and found it damped with cold water and then realized I was splashed by the water. I looked at the woman who now had her eyes narrowed at me.

"Get up! Don't you remember you have chores to do? Do it and remember after a week you're only to the palace." With that, the old woman stormed out making me huff out.

But wait a damn second! My eyes widened in realization as I jumped out of bed running towards the window which had no glass and was only covered with railings. My heart jumped rapidly against my chest realizing that I wasn't at any place but in a damn cell. I was in jail!

How was that even possible? That didn't make sense not even a bit! I was dead, right? I remember how I was accused, thrown, and ordered to be executed by my bastard husband. The emperor. Then how was I still alive?

I walked towards the mirror settled in the room and my eyes instantly froze watching myself. I touched my face and was left shocked after seeing the change. Indeed that was me, that face was definitely mine but there was no scar anymore. When I was young I got into a terrible accident as I tried to save the uncle of the emperor who was now known as one of the most dangerous marshals in the country. He was the head of the emperor's army and not even a single man was alive to actually against his words not even the emperor himself.

I never saw that man, he was always busy with his work that he never got the chance to meet me. Until that day, tears suddenly brimmed in my eyes watching my clear flesh, I looked beautiful. The fact that I was bullied my whole life and was called ugly even by my husband slashed my heart. That deep black scar ruined my identity and I blamed the marshal for that until that day.

That day changed my perception of him, he was the single man who stood up for me even against the emperor, and made him not execute me. But maybe luck wasn't on my side as the moment I was sentenced to five years for the crime of cheating the emperor in the mid of the way the carriage was raided and I was harshly pulled out.

I could never forget that day.


Marshal's man was standing there communicating with the emperor who was hell-bent on giving me a death sentence. No matter how many times I say that I was innocent. I didn't cheat him, I was kept on denied by him. I thought he was angry but no, the truth was it was his plan. He wanted to get rid of me for the past year but couldn't as the people of the palace loved me.

I still remember vividly how my sister offered me a cup of tea, the sister I loved, raised, and took care of as my daughter drugged me. And the moment I opened my eyes I was beside a naked man who I knew was my sister's boyfriend. She was going to marry him in a few months and I was shook.

I checked the bed and sighed in relief when I found no blood stain, yes! I was still a virgin even after a year of marriage with the damned bastard. He never touched me saying that he needed time. I thought he was changing and wanted me but my misconception and stupidity were rewarded by a terrible truth.

Because the moment I pulled the robe on my body the door was slammed open and my angry husband grabbed my hair roughly dragging me out. My sister was crying or more like acting I slept with my fiance.

"Believe me emperor I didn't do this! Please trust me I could n---" I was silenced by a hard slap that landed on my cheek making me fall on the floor.

"Take this disgrace to the palace cell and lock her up until I will decide her punishment!" I begged but he didn't care, the guards dragged me and threw me in the cell.

I curled up in a ball and kept on relishing the moment when he slapped me, an emperor might be harsh on me but he never raised his hands until today. Just when I thought no one will get me out I decided to talk to the emperor and tell him that I am a virgin. I am ready to do anything to make him believe me even if I have to lose my virginity this way.

But all my determination broke when the emperor walked in followed by my sister, I expected to see a bit of sympathy or sadness in their eyes for me but nothing. The emperor had a small smirk plastered over his lips while my sister smiled evilly at me. And that was the exact time I understood how foolish I was to believe these people.

Emperor wrapped his arm around my sister's shoulder pulling her closer, "Meet my new empress, tomorrow we will get a divorce and I will marry the woman I deserve. I mean just look at her." The man heartlessly said pouring Salt over my wounds as he grabbed her chin like she was made of glass.

"So beautiful, so damn pretty. Everything about her is not just pretty but marvelous. The female of this kingdom gives an example of my Elena to describe what beauty is. Me, a powerful emperor deserves someone like her not you! " I flinched when he looked at me with a menaced glare.

Placing a small kiss over her plump lips he walked near my curled-up frame kneeling before me, he held my jaw like he wanted to break it, "Ugly piece of shit, that's what you are! I don't even understand why my father betrothed me to you and not her! Who would even want you!? Except for these eyes you have nothing admirable, I pity your eyes that they got an owner like you!" Throwing my face away he stood up jerking my sister in his arms and kissing her like a hungry wolf.

I shut my eyes not wanting to see the man I loved for so many years kissing another woman, and not just another woman but my sister. Soon the air turned colder and they both left the cell but not before my sister spit those venomous words.

" Mom and Dad already accepted us, you will be executed tomorrow, my ugly sister." They both laughed as a soft sob escaped my lips.

I knew I might not live long, but I promise myself one thing if I lived. I will make these betrayers pay! Even if they have to pay it with their blood!


New story here, hopefully you guys support me like always.

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