"Well, I don't blame him. Halloween brings out the fool in everyone." Derek says.

"Still, he stopped by Michelle's house later to check on her." JJ says. "The door was open, and when he went inside, he found this." JJ shows pictures of inside Michelle's house, copies of the flier all over the walls. "He still thought maybe it could be some kind of prank, until yesterday. Michelle was found floating in a small creek just outside of Carrollton."

She shows a photo of Michelle's body.

"She had been sexually assaulted..." JJ switches the photo to Michelle's face -- or what's left of it. "And her face had been removed."

"Removed? It wasn't animals or fish?" Rossi asks.

"The Dallas County M.E. say that the edges of the wounds were smooth, not torn. A very sharp instrument had been used. He also found water in her lungs." JJ says.

"Oh, my God!" Bedelia looks over at Penelope, the blonde using a file to hide her vision from the screen. "What is that?"

"Technical analyst Penelope Garcia, this is SSA David Rossi." Hotch introduces.

"Is it gone, JJ?" Penelope asks.

JJ switches the screen to a photo of some dishes by a kitchen sink.

"Yeah. yeah, yeah. You're safe." JJ assures, sitting down.

"Okay." Penelope lowers the file. "Just to, um... Carrollton, Texas, has nearly 117,000 residents, a diverse population with a..." She hands Hotch the file. "It's all in there. I'm sorry. Very happy to meet you, sir." She shakes Rossi's hand.

"I'll be in my office." Penelope starts to leave. "Door." She returns. "Sorry." She shuts the door behind her.

"She's different." Rossi says.

"You have no idea." Hotch says.

"Uh, so, the unsub tells her she's going to go missing to psychologically torture her, then tortures her physically. Textbook sadist." Emily says.

"A sophisticated one." Hotch says.

"Number one." Derek says, looking at the photo of the white mask with "one" written on the top of it.

"That particular mask is known as a false face." Spencer says. "It's most commonly worn during Halloween and Mardi Gras."

"Creepy. I rest my case." Derek says, dropping the photo.

"False face." Hotch says.

"Her face -- he mocks it, then destroys it." Emily says.

"Oh, and, Hotch -- local media has the story. It broke big." JJ informs.

"Tell Carrollton we'll be there first thing in the morning. Let's stop this one at one." Hotch says. "If you want to take some time, get situated, maybe start on the next case?" He says to Rossi.

"I'm not back to get situated, Hotch, I'm here to work." Rossi says.

"Okay. Everybody get your things together. We're going to Texas." Hotch says.


"Let's go over victimology." Hotch says. "Would you like to join us, Dave?" Rossi gets up from the chair he's in and walks over, sitting next to Bedelia on the couch. He takes a small notepad and pen out.

"Reid, what have you got?" Hotch asks.

"Uh, Michelle Colucci was single, lived alone, no boyfriend and no ex-husband." Spencer says.

"Dating?" Bedelia asks.

"There's nothing in the reports." Derek says.

"She was an architect." JJ says. "Friends and co-workers say she's a classic workaholic. Basically a loner who rarely went out of the house."

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