Start bij het begin

I had over a month, and it would be enough to get it over with. It had to be enough. I was putting a lot more— albeit unexpected— effort into this, into charming Jasmine.

"But we were here to discuss Daniel's proposal plans, not about the bet."

"Well, if you could just text us with updates, we won't have to bother you with questions," Daniel retorted, and Carlos nodded agreeingly.

"Knock. It. Off," I said rather annoyingly. "I fucked another woman in Imola, so if I am that needy to get laid, I have a lot of other options every where."

"Where are you taking his boat, Carlos?" Daniel continued his pestering. "I am thinking of taking to Spain, I'm craving some good paella."

"Spain is amazing, but I might be a bit biased as a Spaniard," Carlos retorted.

I rolled my eyes, "Can we focus on Daniel's proposal plan, please? I thought we were invited for that, not to talk about this bet again. And if that is the only topic we're going to talk about for the remaining month and a half until the summer break, then I am going home now."

Daniel exchanged a look with Carlos, both seemingly undeterred, "Come on, Max, it's all in good fun."

"Yeah, we don't mean any harm, alright. But are you sure that there are no feelings involved?"

"Definitely, okay? I am just done hearing from you two that time is ticking while I have enough time to get her under me."

Carlos leaned back, taking a sip of his beer, "Alright, alright, Max. We'll ease up on the topic. Let's dive into the proposal plan."

"Finally," I muttered under my breath, grateful for the change of subject.

»»———— ★ ————««
54 days until summer break
Wednesday – Monaco

I walked into the gym and was relieved to see it was not that busy at all. I guess that is the benefit of going to train at ten in the evening and I really needed a good cardio workout.

I let my eyes scan the room, thinking about a place to start my workout, when I noticed a glimpse of the awful red I already have to see too many times a year. But maybe a good workout with Charles will be beneficial for the race next week.

But as I got closer, I realized it was not Charles working out, "Jasmine," I called out. She turned around with a smile, and I could've sworn her eyes lit up when she saw me, too.

"Hey, Max. What a surprise," She said, wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead. "Did you just arrive?"

"Yeah, I was about to start with a workout. How about you? Are you in need of a workout partner?"

She chuckled, "I am actually rounding up my sets, but I could spot you if you spot me at the barbell."

"Perfect," I said with a smile. "Let me just quickly warm up, okay?"

She nodded and gestured to the leg press, "One more set, and then I will meet you at the barbell, okay?"

"Sounds good."

My eyes never left her as I quickly worked through my warming-up. I started with some light stretches and then moved up to the treadmill. Jasmine walked up to me and waited patiently for me to finish the run; the sweater that I first noticed hung over her shoulder, and I thought about the moment she would stop wearing red and start wearing blue. 

"Let's go," I said with a smile, grabbed the towel, and followed Jasmine to the weight section.

Jasmine adjusted the weights to fit her workout and positioned herself under the barbell, and I positioned myself directly behind her. Ready to move with her when she started.

I Dare You, I Bet I Can - Max VerstappenWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu