
"Well we should be leaving soon." As soon as I said this the train jerked forward and we heard a loud thump from outside.

I got up and opened the door to see a skinny but round faced blonde haired boy picking up his trunk that had fallen over.

"Here let me help." I said while pushing his trunk up to him.

Once we got it up right I held out my hand like James had done and said my name, " Y/n Evans. What's your name? And would you like to sit with us?"

I gestured my other hand into the cart while the blonde boy shook my hand. "Peter Pettigrew,thank you for helping and yes I would love to."

As I led the way into the compartment Peter dragged his trunk behind and then put it up by James' trunk.

"Hi Peter I'm James!" James exclaimed as Peter sat down by the door on the same side as me.

Peter reached out his and shook james' for a minute before letting it go and sinking back into his seat.

We started a small talk for a little bit at 11:05 another person walked in.

He had shoulder length black locks that were curled at the ends he had a formal outfit on and looked a little posh.

"Hi everywhere else is full, could I sit with you guys?" The boy had asked the other who just looked at him and nodded.

"I'm y/n Evans, pleasure to meet you." Y/n held out her hand.

"I'm James potter." He had said at the same time whilst also holding out his hand.

The boy had just sat down next to James after putting his trunk up before he said, "Sirius, Sirius black."

James nodded as he shook his hand.

Sirius went to shake y/n's hands but while doing that asked me a question. "I haven't heard the last name Evans before. Perhaps your not a pureblood?" He questioned.

"No I don't think so?" She answered Sirius. "What's a pure blood?" She asked Sirius although it was Peter who then replied.

"It's someone who's born from both a wizard mum and dad." He whispered back.

"Oh ok thank you." She said to Peter before turning back to Sirius and said, "no I'm not I'm from two normal parents."

Sirius' grin widened as he said, "Great! Now I'm friends with a muggle-born, a blood traitor, and a Half- blood!"

James and peter had goofy grins on and I just smiled gently.

Once more there was a knock and the sound of the door sliding open.

This time it was a tall, lanky boy with lots and lots of scars across his face and arms. "Can I sit with you? Everywhere else is full." He asked quietly.

"Yes of course! Here-" y/n had patted the seat next to her before pulling his trunk in and setting it next to hers.

He sat down in between y/n and Peter and across from Sirius.

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