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Third person Pov

Ethan was sweating bullets and was trying to stop himself from doing something crazy. Darrian was to close and he smelled so good. Ethan found his eyes flickering to Darrian's neck continuously to a certain spot the spot where he would mark him once the time was right. Ethan then began to wondrr how his friend tasted.

He bet he would taste sweet, sweet just like his addicting scent. Ethan then froze once darrian wrapped his arms around him before setting his head on his shoulder. Ethan found his body getting a weird feeling. His skin tingled and his gut felt extremely warm.

Ethan had no idea what was happening to him but it was becoming weird. He always debated on telling Darrian the truth about him being a vampire but he was afraid darrian would freak out and leave him he couldn't lose darrian. When a vampire falls in love they give up a lice of their soul.

Darrian had not only a piece of his soul but had his heart. Ethan needed him they were connected and had always been close he couldn't lose him he just couldn't he would kill the whole city before he died of a broken heart. "You smell good" Ethan says licking his lips with his eyes turning red.

"Thanks" Darrian says and Ethan felt himself being seconds away from pinning darrian down and marking him. Ethan stood up quickly stopping himself from doing something crazy. "I gotta go" Ethan says before leaving at a lightening speed.

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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