The Battle to End All Wars (part 1)

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(song - Ritual, Naruto Shippuden Unreleased soundtrack)

Chapter 71 - The Battle to End All Wars (part 1)


I needed to return to the Kage and Jinchuriki. I shouldn't have even left them in the first place, but it had been neccessary. Now I knew my clan's deepest secret and that made me even stronger. If I was able to connect to my opponet's eyes, then I would be able to defeat them in an instant. We could move onto our true enemy, Madara, and finish this entire war.

I backtracked the way I came, following my chakra sensing abilities to wear the others were. When I emerged out of the woods, the battle looked almost over. Less than half the opponets we started off with were sealed. Except for.....

What was going on? One of the burrial mounds where an enemy had been sealed had his chakra there, but his chakra was also moving on the other side of the field. It was almost as if the shinobi had split himself in half and the Kage and Jinchuriki on my side had no idea. He was sneaking up on them.

"Naruto! Bee! Watch out!" I shouted as I ran towards them.

Instead of acknowledging that they heard me, they leaped up in the air, narrowly dodging the man who looked to be Killer Bee's father. The Edo Tensei stopped some yards away and stood, looking at an empty spot that was soon filled by a person with bandages. He was an Earth style user who had copied his abilities off of the metal grain style. His particle style effected his body however, unlike metal grain that could only effect metal outside a person's body.

On the other side of the battle field, Garra, Tsunade, and the Mizukage were trying to seal away the man with slicked back hair and a thin mustache. The Edo Tensei's oil style made him untouchable by Garra's sand though, and Tsunade's brute strength wasn't winning here either. Although I couldn't see the Mizukage, I had the sense that she was somewhere in the area. Had she been swallowed up by mustache man's clam?

Both sides of the fight needed help, but I couldn't be two places at once. I realized that I could use my water clone, but the enemy had already seen me. They would already know which one was the original if they kept track.

Two more chakras came into my sensing range and I held still to identify them. They were coming from the East, both very powerful, but different in styles. One was an Earth user and the other was a Lightning user. Neither of them were Edo Tensei. Which begged the question: What were they doing over here and how did they know where we were? Even if they came to help, they were still six and a half miles away. It might be ten to fifteen minutes before they arrived.

All the more reason I needed to hurry up and decide what battle to tend to first. While Garra had Tsunade and the Mizukage, Naruto only had Killer Bee. To make the numbers even, I joined the other two Jinchuriki.

Naruto cursed as he took a step back from the lightning-wielding Edo Tensei. "His skin is tough as leather!" he cried out in frustration. The rasaingan he had released upon his opponet hadn't even flinched when it touched him.

"That's the Sandaime Raikage for you,

every person who stands up to him his bound to lose,

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