Chapter 2

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(AUTHOR'S NOTE~ Sorry this took so long to upload! And I'm sorry it's so short. I hope you like it and I love helpful feedback! Thank you!)

“Doug! Are you insane? Poison is strictly forbidden in this sanctuary.” I yell.

Doug starts to laugh insanely, Ray too begins to laugh.

“What's so damn funny?” I yell at them.

“You're so easy!” Doug says his voice becoming a little higher and gaining a rigid tone.

I look over at him and see him take off a ring on his finger. Doug's image shifts to that of Ray's. I turn to the other Ray and watch him flicker out like a candle. A hologram.

“You bastard!” I yell at him jokingly.

“What? You had it coming. You were due this week for a pranking.” he says picking my knife up from the ground.

He hands it to me and I snatch it from his hands.

“How did you do all this?” I ask.

“The time machine can be hand held too.” Ray says holding up his iPhone 8S.

I nudge him in the stomach and grab his hand again.

“We still have to deliver Rex's stuff.” I say running toward a brick wall.

“Uh, Alice?” Ray asks worriedly.

“Oh, quiet. I know what I'm doing.”

I stop abruptly in front of the wall, letting go of Ray's hand and letting him run into the wall. I laugh and pull him from the wall.

“You deserved that.” I tell him while pulling a single brick from the wall.

Ray grunts and looks in the hole I just made.

“How exactly is this a way to get to Rex's?” he asks.

I tap my knife in the hole and watch it grow into a large door.

“After you, Mr. Goodman.” I say curtsying.

“Why, thank you Ms. O'Connor.” Ray answers entering the door.

I follow him and drop the brick in the middle of the door. The passageway closes up brick by brick. I jog in front of him and lead him down the dully lit corridor. We walk for a few minutes before coming to a dead end with a single silver opening with a dark cover. I pull off the cover and peer into the blackness of the hole, smiling.

“Ladies first.” he says giving me a little shove.

“Okay but you might want to hurry, after I go down the passageway closes.” I say smirking.

I grab the top edge of the opening and swing myself into the darkness.

We walk for quiet a ways until coming to a solid wood door.

“Does it open like the other secret doors?” Ray asks.

“It only opens to a carefully devised set of moves and jumps.” I say jumping to random stones on the floor.

I purposely trip and fall on my hands and knees.

“Ray! Duck!” I scream and smile.

He obeys and ducks immediately. I stand up and start to quack like a duck. Ray gets up from the ground and throws his hands in the air.

“Ha, ha, ha, very funny.” he says pushing me.

I laugh and open the wooden door. I look through the door and see cobwebs everywhere. Hanging across machines and walls and tools. Dust coats everything, including the ground. I take a step in and watch as the dust billows up into the air and settles right back down.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2013 ⏰

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