He usually talks to you, a voice in her head whispered.

Y/n shook the thought away. She flinched at the sound of shouting. A group of thugs surrounded some local kids, beating them. When she rushed to help, a hand caught her wrist.

"We must leave," Harumi urged.

"These people have enough to worry about; they shouldn't have to be bullied by low level street thugs," Lloyd pointed out.

"Don't. If you try to stop them, you'll reveal us," insisted Harumi.

"Then I'll go. You two need to head back to the palace," Y/n stepped up. "I hardly look like a ninja in this, anyway."

She ran forward and kicked one thug between the legs. She twisted back the arms of another but had to let go when the third came charging at her. Like the wind, Y/n danced around her opponents, striking with the swiftness of a viper. She'd never been strong enough to handle heavy blows so her fighting style remained evasive and aggressive.

Little did she know, Lloyd and Harumi hadn't returned to the palace. They watched in awe. Of course, the Princess had never witnessed the peach ninja fighting up close, but Lloyd certainly had.

It had just been a while since he wasn't too busy fighting alongside her to truly appreciate Y/n's signature combat method.

From her graceful movements, it was clear she had trained to become a dancer.

It made Lloyd wonder if he would ever get to see her actually dancing.

The amazement was cut short when he noticed the logos on the thugs' shirts. He gasped, taking Harumi from her own shock.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"That's the same symbol I saw before," Lloyd said with a frown. "The Sons of Garmadon. He was my father . . . I should be helping."

"No!" Harumi cried. "You said it yourself. They are only low level thugs. They don't know anything. They only take orders. It's the person who gives them that scares me. Just let the pink ninja handle it."

"Peach ninja," Lloyd corrected automatically.

Y/n huffed as the thugs turned tail. She bent down to speak to the children who'd been jumped. "Everyone okay?" They nodded, speechless. "Great. Look out for each other, kids. Stay safe!"

She started jogging back to the duo in the alley. "Man, that's gonna hurt in the morning . . ." she groaned, wincing when she touched a gash on her cheek.

"She doesn't seem to fight like anyone else on your team," Harumi noted. "Not that I know much about fighting, of course."

"I know," Lloyd breathed. "Princess-"

"Please, call me Rumi," Harumi insisted sweetly as Y/n rejoined them.

"Rumi, I should get you home," Lloyd said.

"Yes. You should be home, your Highness."

Hutchins' voice made the trio jump in surprise.

"Hutchins!" Harumi gasped.

"May I ask what you are doing outside the palace?" he interrogated.

"We were just accompanying Rumi on a walk," Lloyd lied.

Hutchins narrowed his eyes. "Rumi? A walk?"

"It was my idea. Please don't be angry with Lloyd," Harumi pleaded. "The ninja didn't even know that I'm not allowed to leave the palace."

Hutchins furrowed his brows. "It's troubling to see you two are on a first name basis. The streets are not safe at night, your Highness. I must insist you return with me, at once."

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