Chapter 2 - the scars

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Hello~ I'm so sorry for my long absence. Everything is very hectic nowadays and I've been really struggling. I'm here because of my deep love for Rocket and the third movie absolutely crushed me ;;

By the way, please heavily consider on commissioning art from me, because goddamn, I desperately need money ;;

Here's a few examples so y'all will be interested haha:

Please DM me if you're interested. I'm very desperate ;;

Thank you for reading this not-so-useless author's note. Now, let's move on with the story :3


It was another day in Milano. Everyone was minding their businesses, doing whatever they want in to fill their leisure time. Peter was piloting the ship at the moment. Meanwhile, his sister---(Y/N)---sat in her room with Reasons by Earth, Wind & Fire played in the background. She bobbed her head slightly, mouthing the words effortlessly.

Her hair gathered on her right part of her shoulder, making it easier for her to put oinment on her scars. The scars covered most part of her left arm, ended on her shoulder blade. She scooped a reasonable amount of lotion, caressing it all over her arm. She tried hard to not wince at the coldness against her wounds.

The Infinity War ⋆⸙͎۪۫。 Rocket RaccoonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat