The new rules

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The next morning, Olivia woke up early, she started the day with a shower, laid a natural makeup, sad her hair, and then she got in her normal clothes. She walked back to her room, hang her towel, laid her toilet bag. Then she walked down to the breakfast, "Good morning, Olivia" it was Jessica, "Ohh good morning, Jessica" Olivia answered. "Good morning, you two" said Amelia, all happy and fresh. "Good morning" said Jessica, "Good morning, Amelia, your happy and fresh this morning" Olivia said, "Yeah aren't you, we are finally finding out what is happening over here" she answered, "I don't know, I have a really strange feeling about it" answered Olivia, "Ohh your just nervous Olivia." Said Amelia.

After the breakfast they all went to the classroom the met in yesterday. On every table was there an empty notebook, a pencil, a pen, a pencil sharpener, and an eraser.

Short after the whole class was there. After a bit time, Mis Adams comes into the room, she is wearing the same clothes as yesterday. "Mis Adams really have a strange style" Olivia thinks to herself.

"Good morning class" Mis Adams said "Good morning, Mis Adams" the howl class said. "I hope you have slept well, because today you will have to learn a lot" Mis Adams said. "Is there anyone who can tell me what domination is?" Mis Adams asked, a couple the students raise their hand, "Claire" said Mis Adams, "Domination is when a person is controlling" Clair answered, "It's more than that, but that is a good start" Mis Adams said.

Until lunch they learned about what domination was. In the lunch break, Olivia got a sandwich, then she walked into the lounge, and looked at alle the books.

When the break was over, all the students was in the classroom again. Mis Adams got there and started with a question "Does anyone know what submission is?" she asked, Olivia and a couple of the other students raised their hand, "Olivia" Mis Adams said. "Submission can be when you give up your control to another person" Olivia answered, "That is correct, but again, there is more to it than that" Mis Adams said.

The rest of the day they learned about submission, and both Domination and submission together.

After class, Olivia got back to the lounge, she looks at the books again, to find something she could read. After a short time, she finally finds something to read, she finds a soft and comfortable armchair. And starts reading the book. She sits there until the dinner. After the dinner she goes to her room, to listen to music.

The next day when Mis Adams comes to the class, she starts "Good morning class, today the first thing we must do is, to split you up in two. Then the half of you will have to go to another classroom, where there is a teacher waiting for you. Is that understood?" Mis Adams asked, "Yes Mis Adams" answered all the students. "Good, we must split you up, depending on whether who is dominant and who is submissive. So, if you are the controlling type raise your hand" Mis Adams said, half of the students raised their hands, including Olivia's friend Amelia, Olivia did not raise her hand. "That is good, I can't promise that this will be final, because it's not all who knows what they are yet, but we will help you find out in the next couple of days. But all who raised their hand you will go to the classroom just across the hall" Mis Adams said. Then half of the class leaves. "Good, now I will talk more specifically about how a submissive should behave, how she should dress, and what types of submissions there are, in the start of next week, I hope we know what type of submissive you are, because you will get your first Master in the start of next week" Mis Adams said.

Olivia feels scared, this wasn't what shewanted, she had never been sexually with a guy before, but she had dreamt aboutit a lot, she just thought that she would be able to choose the first guy herself,but now the teachers had to choose someone for her. Plus, she would have togive that person the control.

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