Chapter 1:Where am I?

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Day 1:Hard loss

"Come on Brother we got to leave" my brother shouted

I woke Up and saw the room of the ship flooding

Ok i know this is weird let me explain

Me and my brother were running from a gang? Or a cult? Yeah It probably was a Cult anyways we got in a ship travelling Lake Erie however when we got to sleep i woke Up with my brother shouting.

I had my boots wet and ship sinking so we had to get to the upstairs where we found a boat and while he got in i was throwed back with and explosión that made the boat go down so that way i had to try survive until another explosion? Throwed me out of the ship.

Day 2:Shipwrecked

I woke Up in a shore on some islands i dont remember their name so anyways i think It was the day later.

The water hitting me woke me up with some rest of the ship and my hat(God thanks i hella LOVE that hat)

and anyways i wandered until i found a pre war power station where i found a Beretta m9 with like 4 rounds and 4 nc which is like a ok amount in the islands if I'm not wrong.

But keeping the story i found a guy called mike Who basically guided me towards a pre war city called sunrise city and then to Bargetown?(Who picked that name?).

And gave me some money to buy a small House and then i was on my own
im very tired by now so i Guess im gonna take a long sleep and tomorrow try get a job.

Day 3:Settled

I woke Up like at 6am with a crushing pain in my stomach.

I hadn't eaten in the entire last day so i went down to the plaza where i found a burguer place where i asked for a normal burguer and a Sun soda? Looks like these are a pre war local drink
Anyways It was all food was 10 out of 10.

By like mid day i found a fist fight club about betting what fighter wins.

Basic resume i found a coach looking for a fighter and got the job since while im not very strong im good at fist fights by my brother teaching(God probably rest his soul)and i get like 5 nc per fight and with like 2 fights per day thats good for now.

In the way i got my first fight against a guy called Josh and lets just say i beated the crap out of him and won so that's good for now
Im gonna sleep now.

Day 4:Roof shootout

I woke Up at like 8am with a sensation of a bad dream and found a clothing store and basically took the morning to buy a Green coat a satchel and a gun holster

I got out from barge to try explore the city and lets say i got into crossfire of a gunfight while exploring a building 3 guys were against 2 i think the 2 were getting robbed so i had to pick a side.

when the Thief's fired at me I was the 2 guys side and basically(i dunno how much times i've said that Word).

while on the gunfight i got to fire against one of the three and shot him in the arm and the head so he fell all the way down to the first floor since he was near the staircase.

Second of the three guys got shot in the arm by one of my fella's(im gonna call him Tom)Who sadly got a shot in the leg however when the time was time i got to the roof 1vs1 against the last of the 3 while Tom was being healed by the other guy.

And my gun had no ammo so It was a fist fight
I slug his jaw

He punched me in the lower torso

I did a uppercut on his torso and while he almost kill me with a knife i threw it out of the building and i sluged his jaw

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