Chapter Eleven

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The days until the start of term flew by quickly and Harry found himself waiting for the Hogwarts Express on the train station. His trunk and books were already in his dorm in Gryffindor Tower and now the only thing that was missing there was Harry. He stood there with Hagrid and strained his eyes to see the red engine of Hogwarts Express. First, he heard a whistle and then he saw it in all its might. Fifteen minutes passed as the train finally stopped and the doors to the wagons opened and students came out. Harry stood on the points of his feet and looked around to see Hermione, Ginny, Neville, Ron, and Luna. When he did, he ploughed through the students to them. He hugged Hermione and Ginny and shook hands with Neville, Ron, and Luna. He was all smiles and the teens wondered what happened that Harry was so happy. Ginny voiced their thoughts.


'Yeah, Volpie?'

'What happened?'

Harry looked at her quizzically and said, 'What are you talking about?'

Ginny shrugged and answered, 'Well, you look a lot happier than the last time we saw you.'

Harry laughed and said, 'Oh, that! It's just...'

He smiled again and continued, 'My dad loves me!'

Their eyes widened at the address of their fearful Potions professor.

'Really?' asked Ron surprised.

Harry nodded and answered, 'Yeah! Ron, you know that you know that dad loves me. You just didn't know that I knew that I knew my dad loves me. And you didn't know that I know that you know that you know and that I know that he told me that he loves me.'

The others stared at him for a moment and then started to laugh. Harry joined them, as he too realised what nonsense he just said.

'Geese, Harry, I didn't know that you know that I know that I know Snape loves you.'

More laughter erupted from the children. Harry still laughing motioned them to follow him to the carriages, that for Harry and Luna weren't horseless as Thestrals pulled them. They were still laughing as they entered the Great Hall and sat down at their respectable tables. Harry's eyes shined with mirth as he asked.

'Are you ready for mission 'Start of Term'?'

Ron grinned and the rest of the Gryffindor Marauders nodded. Harry looked up at the Head table and saw his father looking in his direction. He winked at him and smiled. Snape discreetly looked around him to see if someone was watching, and grinned back at him. Harry was just about to ask Ron something when the door to the Great Hall opened and professor McGonagall entered with a bunch of first years behind her. She walked to the front of the Head table and ordered the eleven-year-old children to wait for the Hat (which Filch already put on the chair that was on the floor) to sing a song and for her to call out their names so that they can be sorted. The hall went quiet as the ancient hat opened his mouth and started to sing in a rap way,

'Here I am,

This is me,

The Hogwarts Sorting Hat,

With whose help you'll sorted be.

Don't be scared,

I don't bite,

It's just me and you,

And in a moment you can leave my side.

Come up here,

Put me on,

Then the sorting can be done,

I tell the House and you're gone.

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