"Get off the road." He whispered as he stepped over to the side and slightly in front of her.

"What?" She asked.

"Get off the road!" Collins shouted as he pushed her out of the way of the speeding vehicle.

Tumbling through the tall grass beside the road, she barely caught sight of the man narrowly avoiding being hit by the police car. Pushing herself to her feet, she crouched in the tall grass and made her way towards the street to see what was happening. The sound of tires screeching to a halt before the grinding of gears met her ears. Whatever it was that nearly ran right over Collins was transforming, so that could either mean one of two things. There was an Autobot nearby, or a Decepticon was tracking them. Suddenly, gunfire erupted from the street and peeking her head out of the grass, she noticed that Collins was open firing on the large robotic being. Her eyes widening when she recognized who had transformed before them. Hearing the click of the gun after the last bullet had exited, she watched in horror as the Decepticon transformed it's right hand into a cannon and pointed it towards the reloading marine.

"Stop!" Elizabeth shouted as she jumped in front of Collins.

"Witwicky! What the hell are you doing!?" The marine shouted as he finished reloading his pistol.

"Elizabeth Witwicky." Barricade's voice was deep and void of emotion.

"Barricade? What's going on?" She asked as she took a small step back.

"I am under orders to secure you, now that you are no longer under Autobot protection." He growled as he took a large step forward.

"Who said she wasn't under our protection! Elizabeth, you need to run." Collins shouted towards the Decepticon before reaching up and pulling the woman behind him.

"You are sending her away because you humans and the Autobots have no more need for her, yes? Well, she would be of great use to us. Now move aside, unless you want me to kill you right here." Barricade sneered as he continued to step closer to the pair of humans.

"Collins, I'll be fine. You need to be able to report to Lennox and the others. You can't die here." Elizabeth whispered as she clutched his arm tightly.

"I can't. It's my duty to make sure that you are safely returned home." The man argued as he gripped his gun tighter.

"Then you die here!" Barricade shouted as he lunged forward, a blade sprouting from his opposite hand.

"No!" Elizabeth screamed as she quickly got in front of Collins and put her arms out.

Barely stopping in time, Barricade held the blade directly against the woman's neck. Incoherent grumbles could be heard spewing from the Decepticon's metallic lips before the blade retreated and his servo reappeared. Acting quickly, Barricade reached forward and yanked the woman off the ground and towards him, taking several large steps back.

"Hey!" Collins shouted as he rushed after them.

"No, Collins! Stay back! I'll be fine, I promise!" Elizabeth called out before Barricade transformed around her and took off.

She could still see the marine standing in the middle of the road behind them as Barricade sped away. The look on the man's face was that of horror as he watched the woman disappear from sight, but he immediately took out his phone and began calling NEST headquarters. Flying down the road, Barricade was moving in silence as the woman sat rigidly in the passenger seat. It had been nearly a year and half since they had last seen each other, and it was beyond awkward. Elizabeth never imagined that this would be the way that they would meet again, and it almost reminded her of the first time that they had met in her garage. However, all she could think about was the way he spoke. Barricade had said "we", which could only mean that he lied about defecting from the Decepticons or he rejoined them. Her emotions were clashing inside, and she didn't whether to feel sad or angry at this betrayal.

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