Chapter 22: The Shape of Love

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"Okay, I get it." Meliodas said. "It's all coming together now." "I think I understand too. And it starts with a V." Y/n said. "You've already figured out who was behind these spells?" Gowther asked. "Yeah, we still have to capture them as they do it." Y/n said. "All right, let's keep shadowing him." Meliodas said, instead of waiting for y/n to teleport, he just took her arm and ran away with her. They lost Gowther on their way.


They were following the guys when Meliodas accidentally sneezed. "Uh, hold on." Howzer said and turned around to look for the one who sneezed. "Did you guys hear that?" "Guess we imagined it." Griamore said after looking around a little. "Man, think it's time for a break." Howzer said and they continued to walk. "You imbecile, they could have seen us." Y/n whispered angrily. She held him close so he wouldn't be spores as was close to the edge and held a hand over his moths.

They continued to sneak after and the boys had sat down at a cafe. The sign woman laying down with a pretty short dress, a crown and a tea cup. "Some tea for the three of us, please." Howzer said. "Got it." Someone from inside the cafe said.

"Seriously, you two, today is not your day." Gil said. "You have almost been hit a bunch of times now." "Yeah, tell me about it." Griamore grumbled. "Honestly, you actually lucked out today, Gil, like when that big Sign almost came down on you." Howzer said. "I mean you'd think you had some kind of guardian Angel or something." "Hm..." Gil said and looked at his back. "I don't know. That sounds kind of creepy.

"Can you believe my son Father?" Howzer asked and laughed. Meliodas and y/n we're about to walk up to them now. Gil laughed and they got served their tea. There was a magical aura coming from the tea set down by Gil. "Sorry for the wait." The waitress said. "Not a problem." Howzer said.

"Yo." Meliodas said as they were about to drink. He managed ti just stop them before Gil took a sip. "It's the Three Amigos." "Are you guys taking a break?" Y/n asked. "Me and Meliodas was just thinking of taking our own break here, what a coincidence."

"Yeah, I've been pretty busy by the hot stove all day, I could really use a drink." Meliodas said and acted like he was thirsty. "Ban drank all the booze at the bar, and Y/n don't allow me to get drunk this early in the day. You don't mind if I have a sip of your tea, do you?" Meliodas pointed at the cup Gil held. "Uh, sure." Gil said. "Go ahead." He brought the cup closer to Meliodas and he took a grip on the handle. "Thank you." Meliodas said. He took a wake sip and then a booming voice came.

"Don't you dare drink that!" Vivian said. The guys all flinched and looked around as they didn't recognize the voice. "What's that?" Griamore that. "Who's there? Who said that?"

Meliodas turned around and threw the tea at Vivian who stood there, invincible. Y/n they used Telekinesis to keep her in place. She screamed in pain from the heat of the tea and being crushed by y/n's magic. "A human?" Griamore said and stood up, the others did too.

"Three years." Vivian said her outline was only visible but not yet her body. "It took three years to create that love potion! Who do you think you are, getting in my way after all this time?!"

She got out of y/n's telekinesis and jumped in the air. "Fireball!" Vivian screamed and sent a ball of fire spiraling down. "Oh crap!" Howzer said. Meliodas took a spoon from the shugar. "Full counter!" He screamed and the fireball got sent back Vivian's way, making her fall down for the air as she screamed in pain.

She groaned and struggled to turn her head up as she laid on the ground. "My Girl." She said, she was about to cry. "Is that you, Vivian?" Gil asked in surprise and a tiny bit of disgust. "Just as we thought." Y/n said and looked down triumphantly. Y/n knocked the woman out and looked at the others. "Now, let's take her back to Merlin.

Broken wing: Seven Deadly Sins x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat