For a couple of days, both Sunwoo and Haknyeon did not attend class and had to stay home. During this time, Eric still went to class but was not alone. He was accompanied by Jaehyun, Changbin, and Wooyoung, all of whom came with him and were with him. They wanted to make sure that he was not alone during this time, as they knew that he was often with Sunwoo and Haknyeon. So, they came along to keep Eric company and ensure that he was not alone.

"How Sunwoo?" asked Changbin.

"When I was out, he still asleep. I met with Sangyeon hyung too. He said that Haknyeon hyung also fine" said Eric.

"Well, that's good. Maybe we can go visit them today" said Wooyoung.

"I would love to but I had a job tonight and I can't ditch it" said Jaehyun.

"We can deliver your message to him. We know how worried you are" said Changbin.


They walk together to the bus stop. Afar from them, someone been watching them.

Haknyeon is reading the note that he received from Changbin and Wooyoung. They wrote the note after Haknyeon did not come to classes. The note was made to be helpful for Haknyeon in order to help him catch up on the subjects that he missed. It is possible that the note contains information and content that the teacher went over while Haknyeon was absent, or it might contain some study tasks or practice for Haknyeon to complete and help him better understand certain concepts or theories.

Jacob came in with a mug in his hand.

"Did you receive it from them?" asked Jacob.

"Yeah. I can study it after this" said Haknyeon.

Jacob give the mug to Haknyeon.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell Seungkwan hyung that I can't come to see grandma" said Haknyeon.

"Sangyeon already call him and tell him what happened to you. He said that your grandmother is really worried to heard it and tell you to take more rest" said Jacob.

"That's good. I totally forgot it" said Haknyeon.

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind. You're just need a rest for now" said Jacob.

"I remember her birthday is next week. Seungkwan hyung said she wanna make a party at her mansion. I wanna buy her some gift" said Haknyeon.

"Then, I'll help you but Haknyeon, you want to go to the party?" asked Jacob worried.

Haknyeon could encounter his evil aunt at the party, someone who has hated him since he was just a boy. The aunt is likely to be present at the party, so it might not be the best idea for Haknyeon to attend this event and possibly run into his aunt. It might cause some conflict or drama, or it could be an uncomfortable and awkward situation for him. It is best to avoid this aunt and any possible confrontations with her for now.

"But I want celebrate her birthday" said Haknyeon.

"I know but I'm worried if you go there by yourself" said Jacob.

Haknyeon sighs, as this is always something that happens to him at his grandmother's birthday party. The first time he attended, he was looked down upon by other relatives, and his wicked aunt even gave him harsh words. Because of this, the next year, he just sent a gift and a card to his grandmother, choosing not to come. It has always been a difficult event for him.

But this year, Haknyeon has decided that he wants to come, and he wants to celebrate his grandmother's birthday by her side. He has been hesitant to come in the past due to the treatment by his aunt and other relatives, but he decided that he wanted to show his appreciation for his grandmother this year by attending the party.

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