new friend?

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I answered " um there is a boy I dont have crush on him but he seemed sweet and he is kinda attractive "
They girls got excited and keep asking me what is his naaame

I said " his name is matt " as i said that all their smiles faded and they all looked at marline, I got confused what is going on i asked

Um lina that's marline's crush, like no girl dare say that in front of her

I looked at marline but she already ran towards me and... ☆ SLAP☆ " SILENCE "
WHAT JUST HAPPENED! she started hit me everywhere, now the girls trying to get her off me , i started to cry took my bag and left the house running in tears, they were calling my name but i kept running to my house, i even didn't noticed i still have my pyjamas on , ofcourse i will let my mom see me in this way I have to calm down
I sit on random stairs of an old house and kept crying and talking to myself while looking down

wait lina is that's you ...??? " this sounds is so familiar as i looked up i saw Matt!! " omg that's so embarrassing , nothing happened can you just leave me alone for now I'm really okay

No dont tell me nothing happened, you are in street with your pyjama? And saying nothing happened? Does ur mom kicked you out??? I will go talk to her everything will be fine

WAIT .. " i holed his hand trying to stop him " he looked confused... mom cant see me in this way please, she didn't kicked me out i ran way from the sleep over " i started to cry again while shaking "

 mom cant see me in this way please, she didn't kicked me out i ran way from the sleep over " i started to cry again while shaking "

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He sit next to me and taped on my head trying to calm me down


so lina can you please tell me what happened there ?

should I tell him what really happened? Ofcourse I will not say i find him attractive
So i had a fight with marline IDK WHAT I HAVE DONE TO HER to hate me like that , it's even worse that no one notice how evil she isss ... what are you laughing at ?

pfft nothing I never thought I will see you angry one day and no you are not the only one who noticed that, she has been weird for me too, she always brings food for me every day, doing hw etc , she is trying so hard to be friend with me, I'm not saying I'm not grateful enough for what she is doing to me but it turns out in a creepy way , why she is pushing it so hard , and i always have the feel that's she is faking it and she is not really a good person

" wah I'm surprised does she know he felt this way ? " reallyy? I thought u too were close friends

nah that's what she want the other think about us , but i never told her to stay away from me I dont have the courage yet, maybe because I'm a nice person!

Lina i actually hope we both can be friends if you dont mind

" i will be dead if this happened man " um it would be rude if i said no but yea we can be friends " there is nothing else i can say in this situation you and i know this cant be happen she almost killed me"
Its already 10 PM we have go to sleep we have school tomorrow byyye

LINA!! why you always in rush anyways ur right we should go goodnight bestie!

" goodnight... huh? Bestie " fake smile" yea yea goodnight bestie 🥰

Thanks god my mom is sleeping maybe she thought I will sleep over for the next day , so much happened today, so matt really doesn't like marline but she does ha , its funny how she think anyone can like her because she is popular and pretty, but I will get in trouble if I became friend with Matt, i will not stop overthinking today i know so I will try to sleep



Good morning! How I wakeup so early today! Anyways that's good at least i can have breakfast, " goes down stairs " good morning mom did yo... " door bell rings "
. What!! That's weird its 6 am in the morning who is this, " opens the door"

MATT?! " I whisper Matt " what's bring you here , who is it lina ? Mom said , um its.. Matt interrupted me said " I'm her best friend we are in the same classroom " he pushed me away i get in the house! What the hell is he doing!

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