•Jamie's pov•
I can see the battle and dead, is hard on her.
When she is finally asleep I go back to the field hospital.
"Thank you Murtagh, for looking after her," I say while taking Faith in my arms.
"Nae bother, she did try to get blood of my face,"
I smile. "Aye she tried that with me too,"
She smiles sweetly.
"How's Claire? Is she okay?" Murtagh asks and I know he saw the look on her face.
"It's all much for her. She said she though I could've been me dying,"
"Poor lass, maybe ye should take her back to Lallybroch,"
I nod. "Perhaps, I'll talk to her when she's feeling better,"
Murtagh nods and Faith mumbles a bit.
"What is it A Leannan?"
"Mama okay?"
I nod. "Aye, Mama is okay. She's a bit tired,"
"Da okay? Blood." She says and points at a red spot.
"Aye I'm okay. It isna my blood,"
"Aye, come we'll grab a towel and some water,"
I grab a bucket of water and some clean cloth, Faith softly brushes the towel against my face but falls asleep quickly.
I continue cleaning my face and then go back to Claire.
With Faith in my arms I walk in the room.
Claire is sitting at the window. "Sassenach? Are ye okay?"
"Yes, just looking outside," she stands up and walks to us.
"I see you cleaned yerself a bit," she brushes her hands over my face.
"Aye, Faith even helped me a bit till she fell asleep,"
She takes Faith from my arms and puts her in her little bed, she's still asleep.
"Are you all cleaned up?"
"Aye, did ye have something in mind?" I grin and she smiles.
"Not now, tonight,"
"Looking forward to tonight then," I pull her close and she hugs me.
"I love you, I'm glad you're okay,"
"I love ye too Sassenach,"
We go down again and bury Angus.
The next day we keep training the men.
"Turn left!" Murtagh yells and I watch them.
"Redcoats one meter ahead! Knife or gun?"
"No! Both," he grins and the men sigh.
I walk to Claire who's sitting with Faith on a bench.
"Ah, there is our sweet soldier!" She says to Faith.
I make a fun run. "Come to Da, A Leannan,"
Faith giggles and I take her from Claire's hands.
"She's very happy today," Claire says kissing my cheek.
I give her small kisses and Claire a big one.
"She starting to look like ye, her hair and cheeks,"
"No, she's the female version of ye, she has my curls. But she has your red hair, your eyes, your nose and lips,"
I smile and hug Claire.
"I should go back, otherwise Murtagh is going to accuse me of all these things,"
She takes Faith again and kisses me quickly.
~Day of the battle of Falkirk~
"Mo Graidh, I have to leave," I whisper in Claire's ear.
"Noo... not already," she says reaching my hand.
I grin and take her out of bed.
She's still very sleepy but she hugs me tight.
"I love you Jamie," she says softly and she kisses my neck.
"I love ye to Sassenach," I whisper and I let her go.
I'm about to leave when she stops me.
"Don't leave without a kiss,"
She walks to me and kisses me.
"Go... but come back to me,"
I nod and walk out and close the door.
We again win the battle but this time I feel less good.
"Jamie, lad are ye okay?" Murtagh asks worried.
I stretch out my arm and fall unconscious but I can feel that Murtagh catches me.
I can head Murtagh yell my name a few times.

•Claire's pov•
I'm getting ready to welcome Jamie back, Faith is sitting in the surgery room and I'm in our bedroom.
The bed is pretty much a mess so I make it again.
The dressoir is a mess to, I open the drawers and see a small bracelet, I've never seen before.
I leave it there and continue cleaning.
"Claire!" I hear Murtagh yell and I speed downstairs.
"Da?..." Faith asks softly.
Immediately my heart starts racing and I see Murtagh placing Jamie on a bed.
"Jamie!" I run to him
"Jamie, sweetie, what's wrong?" I ask panicked.
"I dinna ken what happend, he was standing there and he fell and didn't wake up anymore. I immediately took him here,"
"Thank you," I whisper.
I check his body and see a big scar at his arm.
"Bloody bastard, Murtagh fetch me some needle and treat quickly! And some alcohol!"
He hands me the things and I pour a little water in the wound and mend it.
When I'm done I pour some whiskey in the wound and Jamie slowly wakes up.
"Jamie!" I grab his hand and kiss it carefully.
"Am I dead?" He asks confused.
"No.. you had a wound on your arm and you passed out,"
I kiss his cheek. "You scared me Jamie,"
A few seconds I hear Faith crying. "Hold on,"
I walk to her and pick her up. "Mama... is Da okay?"
"Yes he's okay, come we'll go see him,"
She wipes away her tears and I take her to Jamie.
"Da!" She says happily seeing Jamie.
I lay her next to him and she hugs him.
"Oh Mo Chridhe," he says hugging her.
She stays by his side all day long even when she's supposed to be in bed.
"Sweetheart, your tired and your father has to go to bed, come I'll take you to yours,"
She shakes her head and stays with Jamie.
"Go with yer mother, A Leannan."
I pick her up and put her in her bed.
"Goodnight darling," I say kissing her head.
"Is da die?"
"No sweety, da isn't going to die, he needs to recover, but he'll be fine," I say reassuring her.
She nods and goes to sleep.
I walk back to Jamie and take him to our bed.
"Come on love," I say supporting him.
I put him on the bed and lay beside him
"Thank ye Claire, ye take rest to," he kisses the side of my head and I lay my head on his shoulder.
~A Few Days Later~
"How are ye feeling today?" I ask Jamie when I wake up. He's already sitting up in bed reading something.
"I'm feeling better, but read this," he says handing me a letter.
I open it and quickly scan trough.
"Culloden is really happening isn't it?"
I sigh. "What will we do Jamie?"
"What do ye mean?"
"I mean, will we go back to Lallybroch or will we stay here? And what about Faith she can't be on a battlefield,"
"If ye want to go to Lallybroch with Faith, I'll bring ye myself."
"But that's the thing Jamie! I'm not going to leave you alone on a battlefield! But yet I can't let Faith be here, she to young to see all these horrible things. I don't know what to do anymore," I get stressed and start walking around in the room.
He slowly stands up. "Sassenach, my love. Dinna fash yerself too much about me,"
He pulls me close but I push him away.
"Don't you see in what for position I'm in? Or I have to leave my husband on a battlefield without tending to get out daughter safe. Or I have to stay to take care of you, which I love, but I would endanger our daughter,"
He steps closer again. "Ye ken, that if it really comes to that, ye have to choose Faith above me, always."
"But how can I leave you? Alone, without a doctor? Not knowing if you survived,"
"I'm a strong man Sassenach, and they sent word may ye be killed in the aftermath. And if I get killed you ken it because I'm no' coming back," he smiles faintly.
"I don't want my child to grow up wi'out a father," I protest.
"Then I shall try not to die," he grins and kisses me softly.
I stay in his embrace for a few minutes until Faith wakes up.
"My darling, how are you today?"
Jamie smiles and I dress up Faith in quick clothes.
"Jamie, there is no battle anymore until Culloden, you should send your man home, to rest, eat good and spend time with family,"
"Aye, perhaps that will do 'em some good," he agrees and grabs his coat.
"Wait Jamie. We too should go to Lallybroch for the winter and such? Its good for Faith to have family around and if we die on Culloden it's good for us to have happy memories and for your family,"
"But I-" Jamie tried but I interrupt him.
"I know you want to stay here and prepare but it's better for us. I know it is,"
"Aye, perhaps yer right. I'll tell the men," he opens the door and walks off.
"Faith guess what?" I say excited.
She just looks at me but I can see curiosity in her eyes.
"We're going to Grandma and Grandda!"
She smiles bright knowing who I mean and claps her hands.

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